BUILD THREAD Project Olds Cool (Recognition!!)

Having a pretty good month as far as exposures on the cars go.
Winning this month’s GBOTM for best engine, visits from motorheadmike and Cauterize last week, and now today I came home to find this on my feed:
Looks like Olds Cool has gone global with an E-zine article.

The details are a little thin, but understandable given that he probably only has so much space and number of characters he could use to tell the story. Still, I’m flattered and grateful for the exposure and that the car is unique enough to stand out and make people take notice enough to want to write a story on it.

Thanks Jerry Sutherland for the article!
Very cool Donovan!
Congratulations brother 👏
Do they have to get your permission for the story in order to be published?

Thanks Tony.
Not sure what you mean exactly, do you mean for him to write the story in the first place, or to allow it to be republished elsewhere? (Which he actually encourages)

He introduced himself and said he wanted to write an article on the car, so when he interviewed me, I guess that was my permission. He wouldn’t have needed my permission to write the article as far as I was concerned either way, I was flattered that he felt highly enough of it to even consider it for an article.
This thing turned out great. Seems like just the other day I remember you finding more and more tiny little rust spots hiding that you proceeded to eliminate from existence with immaculate metal work! I remember you deciding on that paint also... damn must have have been almost 5 years! I'm digging the valve covers!
Olds Cool, the road warrior.

4 years after completion (😯 wow, already?!?) she’s still rocking right along, zero issues and dependability like a rock.

Took her for her first trip of the year, 200 round trip kms (or 125 freedom units for you ‘merican’s) after her tune up for an out of town car show. She got lots of praise and admiring looks, but the thing most people are always impressed with is the two tone color combination. I got more compliments on that than anything else all day today.

Beautiful day out in the sunshine, a great drive, and peer admiration. Couldn’t have asked for more.

Proof of life photo:


Nice to see you put on the freedom units 👏
Hope it was a good ride. In the 4 years how many km's have you accrued?
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