So. My buddy had a Husky 50/250 click wrench at the shop. The reason he did not want it was because the adjustment collar was jammed. It is supposed to be pressed down, the torque adjustment made, the collar released, snaps into place locking the value, carry on. Well it was busted in the adjust position, would not release, and handle would not turn. I took it anyway. Husky is the Home Depot store brand. It had a lifetime warranty, 'no questions asked, no receipt required'. I took it to HD, and swapped it for a brand new one. I would not say it was 'no questions asked' without a receipt, but I downloaded and printed the HD/Husky warranty and brought it with me. After they read that, EZPZ. I got a brand new $100 Husky 50/250 torque wrench for free. I guess I can't beat that deal no matter how hard I try.