Anyone Else Tired of Winter

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I will be so happy when spring finally gets here. Can't wait til the snow melts. Gotta be 2 feet on the ground and the windchills kept us from working last Friday. I just keep thinking about getting the motorcycle out!
I wouldnt mind about a month or so of cold weather and snow, just to make spring that much sweeter when it comes around...but i absolutley HATE the winter season. I really hate cold weather. My skin itches, cant do anything ( or try to i should say ) with my car, i love bicycle riding...cant do that, plus the lack of sunlight makes me kinda depressed. 🙁 READY FOR SPRING!!!!!
It was 22 degrees today and I was outside removing the windshield from my Malibu wagon. I was a Mailman for 36 years so I've been outdoors most of my life. We call this "Southern Comfort Weather"!!!!!
I didn't get to rebel much as a teen, so here goes...

most winters I do not mind so much, this is a particularily cold one even for PA and very salty which means the g's sit in their garages 🙁
as much as i hate winter, i have to have my cutlass running by spring before i lose access to the highschool shop, so spring can take it's sweet time until my cutlass is done.... then it better arive the next day :mrgreen:


We are having record cold here in Florida. While our record of 10 days below freezing in a row may not sound like much to those up north, it is bad here because we are not set up for it. My house, for example, does not have working heat. even with the space heaters going, it is 61 degrees in my bedroom right now-kinda chilly. This is the first winter in the 15 years that I have lived in this house that I have actually needed heat. Normally, days this cold are infrequent and rare, so you can tolerate it.

The cold has also stopped my AMC project dead in it's tracks. It is too cold to wet sand the engine bay during the day time, so I have not been able to paint it and drop in the new engine and transmission yet. They say it will be in the 70's by the end of the week though, so I am hopeful that I can get this done in the next week or two. Anyhow, yeah.... Winter can kiss my *ss this year. The same goes for those who believe in "Global Warming".
global warming.... HA!!!! 20 years ago, did they not fear we were entering an ice age???
2fit661ca said:
global warming.... HA!!!! 20 years ago, did they not fear we were entering an ice age???
Well... that will be the next scare tactic used to control us. Just you wait! :shock:
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