Carburetor Or....

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G-Body Guru
Mar 26, 2008
I cranked my motor up a few days ago. It fired right up and ran with good oil pressure. I did have a leak on the side of the carburetor and by the fuel pump. I fixed the leak by the fuel pump and retightened the carburetor hoping that this would correct the problem. Unfortunately it didnt but its not leaking as bad as it was but the car wont stay cranked. It will act like it wants to start but then turns off. Fuel is in the filter and getting to the carb(gas leak on side).

Carburetor is less than 5 months old but was sitting so I am assuming it may at least need new gasket but I am confused as to why it wont stay cranked up but before it would turn and fire right up. Nothing has been changed or touched since first firing it up, as far as timing or anything. I put my alternator belt on and fixed the leaks.

It has good fuel pressure also. I pulled one of the spark plugs and it didnt look too wet like the plugs were fouled. Is the carburetor flooding itself out internally and if so where is all the fuel going because the leak is smaller than it was when it cranked on the first try.
Sounds like you have some dirt or something stuck in the needle and seat for the float or floats. 😢 What kind of carb do you have?? Do you know enough about a carb to take one apart and clean/re-gasket one?? 🙂 What you describe, sounds like a flooding over condition, and it generally won't fix itself ! 😢 ..............mickey-d :lol:
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