Just wondering if anyone here has heard of the auction that is taking place in September of this year. Apparently, a number of low mileage vehicles, as well as the contents of the former Lambrecht Chevrolet in Pierce Nebraska are being sold this fall. There are vehicles from the '50s, '60s, and '70s, some of which were never titled or sold (e.g. a 1958 Chev Cameo pickup with 1 mile on it, a 1964 Chev Impala with 4 miles on it, a 1978 Corvette Pace Car with 4 miles on it). Here are some links with some info.
Does anyone here live in that area, or know anything about the dealership or the auction? Apparently the dealership was in business from 1946-1996. The whole story sounds pretty interesting to me. I'm just curious. I'd like to go to the auction, but its way too far for me.
Does anyone here live in that area, or know anything about the dealership or the auction? Apparently the dealership was in business from 1946-1996. The whole story sounds pretty interesting to me. I'm just curious. I'd like to go to the auction, but its way too far for me.