I'd be looking for a used 4 door GM car with a 3800 engine. The only real issue the later Series 2 ever had was that intake manifold, and most of them have been replaced already. If it somehow escaped the recall or repair, the aftermarket replacement is less than a hundred bucks.
The 3800 from 1988 on up was a great engine. I have had several that have gone well beyond 200k miles, most were running when I sold them after. The GM transmissions in those years are dependable, and no quirks with leaky power steering or other weird problems.
Up north where you are, the 3800 really does well in snow and nasty mud. Its heavy enough to get through the bad winters, powerful enough for whatever you need daily driver wise, parts are cheap and easy to get, and the car is safer in an accident for you and the people inside it than you are in a lightened up beer can import car.
I am usually pushing around 30 mpg or better on the highway too.