MONTE CARLO Do i need the kickdown cable

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Jul 30, 2020
Los Angeles
i have an 85 monte 5.0 305 auto i don’t know exactly what trans i have but is the kickdown cable necessary, i need to replace the o ring so i was wondering if i could just get a block off kit


Royal Smart Person
Apr 20, 2020
Kittanning, Pa
85 (assuming it’s stock) should be a 200 4R, that’s a TV cable if it is. You ABSOLUTELY need that, it controls the transmission.
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Sep 14, 2014
Elderton, Pa
Kick down cable = auto down shift when needed.
No kick down cable = guessing when you'll need to manually down shift then try to remember to up shift.
TH200 4R with out kick down cable = death to the TH200 4R.
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Comic Book Super Hero
Supporting Member
Feb 20, 2018
O-kay, For non-computer old school 3 speed autos like the TH350, the cable that ran from the carb to the t-mission was called a kickdown cable. Under full throttle, such as while passing another car, it caused the transmission to downshift a gear, from third to second, which would assist with the acceleration of the vehicle, And then, at a certain point, or speed, the transmission would again upshift to return to third. As an alternative definition, think of it as " On demand downshift". The demand is your foot suddenly hammering the accelerator to the floor while rolling along at any speed, and the consequence is that the carb butterflies slam wide open and the car speeds up very quickly

This sequence of events is not what the TV cable does for a 4-speed auto like the Th200-R4. In this case the TV cable is a communications device that tells the transmission when it is time to shift, based on throttle position. To accomplish that goal, the cable is attached directly to the same throttle lever that the accelerator pedal controls. Not only does that cable have to be present, it also has to be correctly installed and precisely adjusted and/or tensioned. Too much slack in the cable and the t-mission will shift late; too much and it will shift early or hard. Either state of affairs, if left uncorrected, will cause the t-mission to kill itself. =$$$$$ to rebuild replace. Along with the TV cable you should also find a 4 pin electric plug that is connected to the t-mission as well. If active, it is connected to a VOES (Vacuum Operated Electric Switch) that uses vacuum obtained from the engine to open and close a circuit that sends power to the t-mission, thinking here that this controls the lock up on the torque convertor that I seem to recall these transmissions having. My old TH-200 had the plug but no harness. No major grief, just no lockup in fourth or overdrive.

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Clone TIE Pilot

Comic Book Super Hero
Aug 14, 2011
Galaxy far far away
On US cars the lockup is controlled by the computer as all post 1981 US G bodies are computer controlled. The TV cable is highly important and cannot be deleted.
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