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Master Mechanic
Jul 2, 2007
Jackson, New Jersey
So I'm driving to work today... I'm a social worker so I'm all over the place, but our main office is up the Garden State Parkway about ten miles from where I live.

So I was driving to work in the fast lane, stuck behind a school bus that was doing nowhere near the speed limit of 65. Children were standing in the back of the bus making faces at me. To my right, cars in the middle and slow lanes were shooting past. From behind me came an unmarked police cruiser, lights flashing.

I patiently waited for a break in the cars shooting past me, and then pulled into the middle lane to get out of his way. The cruiser pulled in behind me. I, again, waited for a break in traffic and pulled over. The cruiser pulled up right behind me.

After a few minutes, he the trooper got out of the car. He walked over to me and gave my car the twice-over. Walked all around it, checked every light (all of which worked), and then ambled up to the passenger window.

"I'm State Trooper Blablabla," he said to me. "The reason I pulled you over is because I clocked you doing about 110 past me."

I stifled a laugh. "Excuse me?" I replied. "Really. Well," I giggled. "Then, you know, you probably should have pulled over that school bus I was stuck behind... because that kind of speed can't possibly be safe for the children."

He proceeded to give my car the once over again, and then told me, "Yeah, these old Monte Carlos, they can definitely cruise up at that speed. You probably didn't even know you were going that fast."

"First of all," I shot back, "this isn't a Monte Carlo. And even if it was a Monte Carlo, they weren't exactly the best equipped cars. You might be able to get one of them up to 110... but I doubt it's going to like it very much."

He looked at me. "I don't hear you," he replied, turned and went back to his car.

About ten minutes later, he returned with a ticket. "I gave you a break," he told me, "and only wrote you up for doing 74 in a 65 zone. That's a two point violation." He explained to me how to pay it and when my court date is if I decide to fight it, and then got in his car and drove away.

Ah... yep.

The best part is that after I got to work, I looked at the ticket. Despite the fact that my registration and insurance properly identifies my car as a 1985 Pontiac Grand Prix, under "Make of Vehicle" on the ticket, he wrote:

"Monte Carlo SS"

Sigh. Sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots.

sounds like you got screwed man, that really sucks
redsx2434 said:
sounds like you got screwed man, that really sucks

Well, New Jersey has a nice little loophole in the law which states that I can go to court and pay a fee instead of getting the points. Which is what I plan to do.

Normally, it'd be cheaper just to take the points, pay the fine and then take a defensive driving course to get two points dropped. But since it was a 65mph zone, the fine is doubled... so the fees would be about the same either way.

So... yeah. Not screwed too bad. I was more stunned by the ignorance of the officer.
no you're golden. he wrote the ticket FOR THE WRONG CAR!!! the ticket is invalid. go to court with your registration and insurance papers and a copy of the ticket. if you have multiple cars make sure you have the insurance docs. listing all the cars.
megaladon6 said:
no you're golden. he wrote the ticket FOR THE WRONG CAR!!! the ticket is invalid. go to court with your registration and insurance papers and a copy of the ticket. if you have multiple cars make sure you have the insurance docs. listing all the cars.

That's a good call... I'm going to try to play that card at court, though I've gotten bitten by things like that in the past (I got a ticket because somebody complained about a "Yellow sports car with a loud muffler", when I was actually driving a brown '78 Skylark with a brand new exhaust system), but that'll definitely be the first card I play.

I'll post how it goes. My court date is at the end of the month.
tell them to pull the in car police cam footage and have them explain why the cop sat there b.s. ing you about going 110. tell them that you are very flattered that your car is so cool looking that going normal speed it looks like its doing 110 but its all looks lol. i hate cops!
I was going to say, definatly tell them you don't have a m/c.

Years ago, my dad got a ticket in the mail for his 60 plymouth (brown)from atlantic city 2 days before he got the plates, best part was it was for a Green 68 Dodge.

Then a couple of years later he was called to the police station for some crime or something because they saw his 61 Green Buick leaving the seen. Well, he owned 2 cars at the time, his brown 60 plymouth and an orange 76 t/a. Definatly not his car, right. They said, how do we know you didn't paint it. "Well first, the title says brown. Second it's a plymouth." They went outside looking for a nonpainted part of the car for green paint :lol:


Oh, and I have no problem with cops, just ignorant fools.
What ever happened with that ticket. I know if you take the loop hole you can't use it again for a certain period of time. Twice I've used a lawyer with a web site not speeding .com for tickets recieved in NYC and on the NY state thruway. Both times got the tickets thrown out.
BobCit said:
What ever happened with that ticket. I know if you take the loop hole you can't use it again for a certain period of time. Twice I've used a lawyer with a web site not speeding .com for tickets recieved in NYC and on the NY state thruway. Both times got the tickets thrown out.

My court date is on January 29th, so I'm still waiting. I've enlisted my best Johnny Cochrane-esque friend to go with me and I'm preparing my statement.
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