El Camino races.

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Nov 9, 2006
I'm going to open up with a closing remark, which most of you, and especially I, will most likely go "damn, that sucks."

I have sold my G-Body El Camino and today was the last time I drove it. She served me well.

But enough of that. Time for the fun stories.

My favorite story involves me blowing away a family sedan on U.S.1 at the light at R.J. Conlan Blvd. The guy thought I had a beater truck and was trying to mess around with me. He had a total of 5 passengers, all girls. He blazed past me before the light, I caught him and passed him. The two girls in the front were egging him on, telling him he could easily beat my elky. I had my italian friend pedro sitting next to me, my car was on the left side of the sedan. I asked pedro what he thought and he said go for it. So at the light when it turned green, I sat for five whole seconds. I lit the tires up, and as soon as I hit second gear, I passed the sedan. I could see the look on the guys face go from excitement to horror as I caught him and beat him.

That was my favorite win. Now my favorite loss. You guys are going "Why would he do that?!" Well, I'll tell you why. It was from a car I totally did not expect. Well, kinda.

It was a Nismo edition twin turbo 350z. I'm sorry, I love my V8's, but I stood no chance. This guy had over 600 horsepower.

He played with me and I gave him the good fight. I had him off the line in first, but after that, it was all him. This again was on US1, and I was totally glad there was a car faster than mine. Which meant I needed to improve.

So there are a couple of my amazing stories of my G-Body.

I will dearly miss her, but it's time to get my dream El Camino. I have traded the Elky for a 1977 El Camino Super Sport. She is now my dream car.

So I salute all members of the G-bodies, for I once owned one.

BTW, if you're ever down in Melbourne, Fl, You'll prolly see my new elky 🙂 It will be hard to miss, has my name on my custom license plate.

Goodbye, gentlemen. Maybe another day.
what no pics?

Hey atleast your keeping it with the family. I think i would sell my regal for a 76-77 monte carlo.
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