eonomy getting better anywhere?

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Jun 28, 2005
new milford,ct
im from connecticut and im working at a flooring place and have been for about 2 years, pretty much since it hit the fan around here. and its getting scary bad it seems, im outta of work early everyday, and im just waitin for the day they tell me to go home for good. im only 21 and got a son and afiance to take care of and its gettin hard to do around here, and im hard workin individual, not your typical outta high school slacker, had to start gettin jobs at 13 to help my family out in good times. my fiances ol man swears its better down south annd he recently got a settlement and wants to move down there and take us with him, we are thinkin tennessee but im just wonderin if its really worth it for us to pack up and leave or is it just crappy everywhere. if anyone could give me any input on how it is and if they feel its worth it, ited be great. thanks
I, personally, don't think it's getting better. I've been looking for work since being laid off over a year ago. If your father-in-law wants to move, that's fine. You have a job now. Keep your head down and earn your keep. If you really are a hard worker your employer will keep you around as long as they can. If you do get let go you'll be looking for a job anyway. Then you might consider relocating. It seems like a gamble to quit and move with nothing lined up. If you were single maybe it would be a fun adventure - but you have responsibilities. Try not to let the situation get you down. Just keep up the hard work and be glad you have a job. Good luck.
believe me im thankful i have a job. we had up to 8 peopel working there when i started and im 1 of 4 left. its not only fear of being let go that makes me want another job but it also comes down to the guy that i work for is kind of a dick, and has money to support his lifestyle but cries the blues of the economy sucks and we all have to deal with it so he cant pay me anymore than 12 bucks an hour. hes kept me there over the others cause im there everyday on time, i dont argue with them, ido anything they ask, and anytime they need somone im there. i wouldnt go anywheres without having at least somthin lined up but i just dont know if theres anything even out there to have line on. but i am just tryin to power through all this, i have been kinda blowin off th e fact that its getting that bad, until now. and im still hangin onto my monte for dear life. ive thought about sellin it but its so reliable i cant justify it even for fuel cost cutting.
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