First street race

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Master Mechanic
Jul 28, 2009
driving down a 2 lane street, in my 78 cutlass.. i come up to a red light, heading on to a highway type bridge and for some reason this light takes forever to change lol.. as i'm sitting there a white acura integra it had the rims, and body kit, and you can hear his intake and exhaust, when he reved it.. but anyways, he pulls up next to me and revs the motor so i say to myself why not rev back, *ss soon as i reved my car an older guy in a Subaru outback revs his and smiles lol, (he was being funny).. the kid in the white car says to me doesn't sound to bad for a "grandma's" car... this kid was trying to act cool, and stuff cuz i noticed there was a very good looking girl in his passengers seat. when we said that i thought to myself ok lets go for it, and just game him a little smerk.. the kids (Guy driver and Girl passenger) i wanna say early 20's.. as I'm only 17.... anyways lol the light turns green and i romp on it, tires just spin off the start, going down the road, my needle is pinned at 85 cuz that's all the speedometer reads.. i got the pedal prob half way down and I'm right beside him, i look at him, and go "hey, your girlfriends cute" and then mat it, and take the lead, and the look on his face was priceless,.. when i just went by him like nothing, and there was just a big smile on my face from that point and when i got to walmart, (because that was where i was headed) lol.. so what was my first ever street race, felt good got my heart pumping! 8)
lol i dont think he heard you if you were doing 85.

stay outta trouble, im 17 myself, and ive been busted for racing... its not fun trust me.
lol haha i usually stay away from it, but something just told me to go for it.. i was going faster then 85,.. 85 is all the speedo reads tho
you must've screamed at him for him to hear over your olds and his fart can :lol:

Can't wait for my car to be done :twisted:
lol i remeber my first street race it wasnt in a gbody tho. it was about 10pm in the winter i just gotten back from a chess match was going to get gas then go home. i was driving my 89 gmc serria 2500 sbc. im at the sunco and my friend pulls up and we start bsing he has a 03 impala with the 3.4 motor in it which is a fast v6. needless to say he says he can smoke my truck even tho i know this i still say lets race we pull out onto the twolane road i dont floor it bc its winter and i dont want to destroy my dads truck. im probably doing 50ish and he flys by me doing atleast 65ish. i think if i was scared of crashing i would have beat him if i floor it lol. not really a good story but i thought i should share. xD
lightemup2 said:
driving down a 2 lane street, in my 78 cutlass.. i come up to a red light, heading on to a highway type bridge and for some reason this light takes forever to change lol.. as i'm sitting there a white acura integra it had the rims, and body kit, and you can hear his intake and exhaust, when he reved it.. but anyways, he pulls up next to me and revs the motor so i say to myself why not rev back, *ss soon as i reved my car an older guy in a Subaru outback revs his and smiles lol, (he was being funny).. the kid in the white car says to me doesn't sound to bad for a "grandma's" car... this kid was trying to act cool, and stuff cuz i noticed there was a very good looking girl in his passengers seat. when we said that i thought to myself ok lets go for it, and just game him a little smerk.. the kids (Guy driver and Girl passenger) i wanna say early 20's.. as I'm only 17.... anyways lol the light turns green and i romp on it, tires just spin off the start, going down the road, my needle is pinned at 85 cuz that's all the speedometer reads.. i got the pedal prob half way down and I'm right beside him, i look at him, and go "hey, your girlfriends cute" and then mat it, and take the lead, and the look on his face was priceless,.. when i just went by him like nothing, and there was just a big smile on my face from that point and when i got to walmart, (because that was where i was headed) lol.. so what was my first ever street race, felt good got my heart pumping! 8)
lol good story. 😀
Wouldnt have been so cool to you if that inocent family in a mini van pulled out in front of you because they did see you coming at 85+. Just remember your seconds of fun could have destroyed a family for life. You got lucky this time but that next time might not be the same. Keep the drag racing bs for the track where at least you or one other driver gets hurt not a family with kids. We all do dumb thing when we are young some just learn sooner from other people mistakes.
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