Fixing aluminum crack

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Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
This is on an outboard motor. I have a crack in the midsection right where the tiller handle is attached,and I don't want it to migrate. Looks like the motor was dropped on the handle at one time, but it's not flexing or growing-YET.It's too thin to weld, so I thought I could open the crack with a cutoff wheel, to relieve the stress, like on a glass crack. Then I would epoxy the cut and the surrounding area with Marine Tex for reinforcement. What do you think?
Bonnewagon, I have repaired cracks similar to yours in aluminum before, here is what I did, If the ends of the crack are accessible, drill a small hole {1/8th inch} at each end of the crack, this will relieve the "stress", with a Dremel tool I "beveled" the edges of the crack slightly, then applied a product called "Lab Metal" with a small putty knife. This fix has always worked for me as long it is not a high stress area or exposed to any internal pressures. I found the Lab Metal at our local Welding supply company. The stuff hardens like a rock and can be sanded out smooth. The company who makes it is, Alvin Products Inc. Good luck.
Thank's HP JUNKY. That's what I was trying to do with the cut-off tool, relieve the stress and stop the crack from migrating. I can't reach it with a drill but I can get in there with a small cut-off wheel and Dremel . I figured I would cut right to the end of the crack. I never heard of Lab Metal but I will ask my welder supply about it. Is it an epoxy or putty like JB WELD ? I have had good luck with Marine Tex, but I'll hold off until I know more about the Lab Metal.I will need to stand the motor on end upside down then I can fill the cut and the surrounding area so it should be very strong after that. It is right where the tiller handle bolts to the steering head on the midsection. If I try to move it it won't budge, but I'm afraid if someone leans on the tiller, it will crack further.
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