G-BodyParts.Com-The Rest of the Story!

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Jul 19, 2008
Folks, I recently posted a negative experience with G-Bodyparts.com which I would like to recant and apologize for. Those of you who have had to hunt for G body parts can share my frustration in spending hours looking for parts, and then failing to get them, for whatever reason. My first attempt to purchase parts from this company resulted in a phone call telling me that my credit card was not processable. Since I had just gotten knocked to the ground by a tree limb at work, I was not in the best frame of mind to receive this information, since I KNOW my card has montly zero balance. I told the lady at G-BodyParts to cancell my order, and I was rude to her.

I took the advice of those responding to my forum post, and tried the order again this morning, with the added intent of apologizing to the lady for my behavior. The gentleman answering the phone identified himself as her husband when I told him I wished to answer for my bad behavior. In addition, I learned that his wife was struggling with CANCER, and was going into the hospital daily for CHEMO.

Well, due to my childish selfishness over some dumb car parts, that made me feel pretty small, as well as the great priority of getting my Olds back into shape.

This has been yet another hard lesson for me about dealing with people and always remaing professional. I share it with you so that you might learn from my mistake! BBB
I have only used them once and had no problems. I ordered online and used paypal, shipping did not take that long either. Honestly I always trust ordering online more than through the phone.

Good luck, I would definately try the order again.
I think they're a small mom & pop kind of operation which is good or bad thing depending on what you're expecting. I bought some control arms from them and was pleased with the product and service. It's not like our cars are growing on trees anymore and we need to support anybody who caters to us!!!
You mentioned they attempted to process your CREDIT CARD, then mention DEBITING your account. Could it be they didn't process it right?
i have never got anything from them before but 2 months ago i was going to buy rocker panels from them. they wanted 65 bucks each plus 26 dollars to ship making 1 rocker panel 91 bucks, i bought a pair of the same rockers on ebay for 40 each so 80 total for both sides with 16 dollar shipping for the pair making it 96 dollars total. so basically for a extra 5 bucks i got both sides taken care of. there are many products on there for great prices also.....
I just installed a set of rear bumper fillers from G-Body parts. The shipping and price were great, the product was good. Took a little bit of cursing to get them in nice but they fit. Now I'll see how the front fillers from Autobody Fillers USA fit
G-Body Parst.Com- The Rest of the Story

The final chapter on my purchase with these folks was that I went ahead and re-ordered the parts I needed, and they were to be shipped ground to California, arriving in five days via Fed-Ex. After seven days, and an angry body shop owner upset over slowing the completion of my car due to these parts not arriving, I emailed G-Body Parts.com to inquire where they were. The reply I received the next afternoon (now eight days) was that they were just shipping them! Apparently the car dealership in which they were buying GM parts from wholesale and then reselling to me had gone out of business without notifying them! The owner of G-body never made any effort to call me PRIOR to shipping to let me know about the delay.

I tried to expidite the delivery through Fed-EX, but no changes were permitted with home deliveries.

Not being able to wait another 5-6 days, I ordered the Parts from Classic out of Huntington Beach, CA, and the lady, after hearing my sob story, took pity on me and shipped my parts next day for the two-day price.

I suffered an additional $90 in parts cost. The order from G-Body arrived six days after I had already received and installed the parts from Classic.

G-Body parts were high quality and more original than Classic, but they were of no value to me at that point. They now gather dust on a shelf, and remind me not to deal with distant Mom and Pop businesses wishing to do internet business when they really are not set up to do so.

That was my experience. I hope you have a different one. I chewed the owner's ear hard enough that you might!

Best to all and Good Fortune! BBB

I ordered their upper and lower front control arms, when i recieved them they were missing bump stops that were advertised in their description. I called them numerous times and they took my info and said they would call me back with shipping info. I finally gave up after a while. Worst customer service ever and not to mention shipping was way too expensive.
I think i'm finally having trouble with them,about two weeks ago i ordered a transmission x member off them,i called to place the order and specified that it was for a TH-350,i got the crossmember later that week (5 days),and when i whent to install it it wouldnt even come close to reaching my transmission mount when bolted up on the frame.After several tries,i finally gave up and called them,no answer i called back about a half hour later and told the man my problem,i said maybe this is the wrong x member,i siad i ordered one for a th350,he replied that he'd call me back in a little to conferm the order.I never got a call back from him,so later that week i said that i either want a new CORRECT x member or my money back,the man said that he would send another one out to me next week,but it'll be unpainted instead of being powdercoated (third week since i recieved the first x member),now its friday and i still dont have a damn x member.I called back again today TWICE and still no answer.

I rather like to think i just wasted three weeks Bullshitting with a Mom and Pop company,when i think i should've saved my money up for a g-force x member instead...even if i recieve the correct x member i will not be ordering from here again.
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