Poking around my laptop searching for something else, I ran across a pic of an NOS A4 intake I got which I bought by casting number since it had a beat up/fugged up original box. 22504068, which is correct for an 84 H/O or 85 442 with flat tappets.
HOWEVER, when I pondered the evidence today, I noticed it did not have the EFE sensor port drilled/tapped into the driver side back corner. So it looks like I'm going to have to do that myself. Maybe that's why it comes under a different part number than the earlier versions. Some of the earlier intakes were cast iron, but replacements eventually came as aluminum A4s.
The catalog p/n for the manifold with the hole for EFE already there is 22524457 which superseded to 22524456, but still uses the 22504068 casting on the intake. The hole is the only difference. So it looks like I got one made for an earlier application here. No big deal. I'll drill and tap for the EFE and call it a day.
Any suggestions on the best way to drill and tap this baby without fugging it all to hell?
HOWEVER, when I pondered the evidence today, I noticed it did not have the EFE sensor port drilled/tapped into the driver side back corner. So it looks like I'm going to have to do that myself. Maybe that's why it comes under a different part number than the earlier versions. Some of the earlier intakes were cast iron, but replacements eventually came as aluminum A4s.
The catalog p/n for the manifold with the hole for EFE already there is 22524457 which superseded to 22524456, but still uses the 22504068 casting on the intake. The hole is the only difference. So it looks like I got one made for an earlier application here. No big deal. I'll drill and tap for the EFE and call it a day.
Any suggestions on the best way to drill and tap this baby without fugging it all to hell?