Here's one about all cars...

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Royal Smart Person
May 29, 2009
Philadelphia, PA.
I hate them. :evil:

I'm so pissed, I spent a lot of time replacing the intake manifold gasket on my Regal... And even though I torqued it down right, and applied silicone and everything, now it leaks prodigious amounts of antifreeze from the opposite side as it did before with the blown out gasket. Then my damn throttle got stuck wide open balls to the walls, luckily I was going up a hill because if I was on flat ground there's no way it would have slowed down. I pulled over with the breaks jammed on, turned the key off and jammed it into park to make it stop. I think I saw my life flash before my eyes haha... I can only imagine what that's like if your car is actually powerful. :evil:

Well that's that... To hell with it. That car is sitting until spring when it gets warmer I'm not working on it all over again in 15-30 degree weather with snow on the ground just to have it still leak and almost kill me. :evil:

And my truck is messed up too of course and won't start, I'll just have to bum rides I guess till I get one of them up and running right.

Man, that sucks! Glad to here you're alright though 😀 . When I've had situations happen like yours, people would tell me that when I get older, I'd laugh about these things. Guess what, THEY'RE WRONG!!!! I get mad allover again thinking about laying in the snow to fix my car to be able to get to work the next day!!! :evil: Good luck!

Yeah I don't know what I'm going to do. I hate be being without transportation... I should have listened to my parents and bought a new car. :lol:

Thanks for the well wishes.
Don't get too discouraged. I thought I was leaving the car mess behind when I bought my Caddy. Guess what, you get bored and find yourself with a project car again. It just sucks when it's your daily.

As for that leaky intake there has to be some explanation. Is the intake corroded at the coolant ports or have the heads ever been milled? Yeah it can be a pain in the *ss but everything can be fixed or replaced. Take a deep breath and have a beer or 6. 🙂
I had a 400 SBC (425 hp) stick once with the throttles wide open. To make a very long story short, I shut off the key momentary to kill the engine, but had to then turn the key back to the on position so I could steer (thankfully it didn't relight). I was heading towards a highway so I cranked the best I could to try to take the very short "on ramp" but without power steering and with excessive speed, I ended up hitting the median and bouncing across the highway ending up between the 4 lanes with no damage but a slightly bent wheel (thankfully it was my original steel wheel since my aluminum's weren't on the front yet). It could have been VEEERY bad, but turned out ok.

It does suck to have to re-do things, but hopefully you learn something in the process. I still get irritated when I have to re-do things, especially things I know well. You'll be glad you stuck with a car you like rather than getting something newer that you hate. I'd rather change an engine on a G-body than the battery on my wifes car. They are about the same amount of work, and I get no pride out of the new cars. Just my 2 cents worth...
I feel your pain. It really does suck doing things in the cold weather.

But have patience. It's a redo, but you know, next time you'll get it right. I've had to redo things a few times. Second time is always bang on though, and it's a learning experience. Just wait for a day when it's warm. Set that day aside. Get 'er done. Take your time. Till then, take a cab, or bus, or get your mom to drop you off, whatever works!! Good luck bro.
I think we have all had days like that with our cars but things get sorted out in the might want to lay a straight edge along the face of the side of the intake that's leaking to make sure it's not warped and causing the leak and check for cracks in the intake
i know how you feel man i just put a new set of headers on my car and it was the 3rd set i ordered that finaly fit and i done it all outside in the winter time but im glad its not a daily driver
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