Holy sh*t guys last night was WAY too close..

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They can fine you and or tow your car if the speed is really out if control.But as far as crushing it, that is not true or ever will be, each jurisdiction would be getting sued over civil liabillities all the time......And the might government might be just that, they can't take your sh*t for a mere speeding violation.
well its a damn good thing i dont race and/or live anywhere near ontario or california. even though these are tuners this is absolutely crazy. i dont have any problem with the car being crushed if it has stolen parts on it but other than that impound it and deal with it the normal way. it was pretty disgusting to watch this and i know some cops are car guys and seeing this for them must have felt so hypocritical. i dont race and doing it in the fashion these people do it (100+ mph on main roads endangering other people) is certainly stupid and wrong but there is far too much time and money there to waste it when some people dont even have enough money for a car to get to work everyday and are on the bus
That was indeed a close call. I suggest you contest that ticket, get a trial date, then when it's time you get a friend to appear on your behalf with a valid reason why you couldn't make it in that day (which of course, is BS) and get it adjurned to another date. Hopefully the officer doesn't show up the second time around and you can beat the ticket that way. If he does show you, you can ask him several questions specific to your situation on the date in question which will get this ticket thrown out anyways:

Does you car (the patrol car) have an accurate speedo? When was it last calibrated? No? Then how do you know it's accurate? What size are your tires? What size are the rims? What is your tire pressure? Are you aware that all those factors affect your speedo reading's accuracy? No? Then how can you be certain your speedo is accurate? And how can you be certain what speed I was travelling at?

The above is assuming his ticket is based on PACING you, not if he used a radar gun.

You can also get him via math. Ask him when exactly he started to pace you. Then ask him how long he paced you. Then ask him where he started to pace you. Then when you were pulled over, ask him where that location was. Map it out (in real time) then use the speed=distance/time equation to show that the numbers don't mathematically match what speed he SAYS you were going at -- it's most likely not going to match. This is a guaranteed "throw out" of your ticket because it will discredit him and his testimony.

Just a little info I learned over the years. Good luck and be careful next time! 😉
I live in Ohio and have never heard of a law about getting your car crushed

I live in Kentucky but work in Portsmouth,Ohio,and a guy I work with told me the proposed law on crushing your car.
He said, he heard people talking about it at the Mopar show at National Trails in Columbus this year.I personally have not heard it anywhere else,but it sounds bad news to Hotrodders if it is true.

Man,years ago we use to street race every night on RT52 in Ohio.They could have crushed Novas,Cudas,442's,Malibus..my gosh it would have been a massacre 😢
Here they can take your car if you are caught street racing. Not sure how you go about getting it back, but the concept of loosing it keeps me driving veeeeerrrry respectfully these days.
Darn street racing stunt driver, SLOW DOWN!!! you are lucky he didn't take your car away! LOL

Did you ever get the cab off the truck at Robinsons??? Good talking to you today 🙂
I've heard talk of laws like this for years now, Florida being the most recent. It's bullshit though, unless your handcuffing me and impounding my car, there is NO WAY I'm guna let you take it knowing its going to the crusher. I'm sure I can't be the only person, regardless of what motorsports scene you come from, that won't hesitate to run if my car is literally on the line. And thats part of the problem with trying to crack down on street racing, I personally believe that if its being done in an isolated industrial area the cops should look the other way. Hell, maybe once or twice a month have the cops close down an isolated road and let people run whatever they show up with, no tickets and no breaking balls about being loud or lowered or anything like that. Its on you as far as getting and leaving there, but the cops in the town at least would leave you alone on those nights knowing your either coming from or going to the races. If people are going down to watch or race thats there choice as an adult, its there responsibility to be aware of the risks.
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