Holy sh*t guys last night was WAY too close..

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kornball426 said:
If you're talking about me, there's plenty of people I know in law enforcement that were able to complete the academy and get their act 120 that don't belong in law enforcement. Just plain a-holes that love to show off their power and make people miserable for their own pleasure. I know these guys personally, not on a citizen to cop kind of relationship... But personally. All the local cops come to my friends (a police sergeant) house for BBQ's and there's one or two of them that show up sometimes (kind of un welcomed) that brag about their exploits in being a jerk. And I've been pulled over by them and their boasts about being jerks is absolutely true. I've had things confiscated from my car before, and searched for no reason. And when I went to the police station to make a complaint about it there's no confiscated property report and it's not in evidence or property lockers or anything. So what am I supposed to think? Obviously they stole my stuff because they wanted it. One of the kids of those cops has been pulled over for drunk driving multiple times, and he is consistently let go or somehow magically the charges get dropped. You know exactly what would happen to anyone whose dad isn't a cop if they get pulled over for drunk driving. But they abuse their power.

State Troopers are pretty strict about who they take, but local police are different. Legally anyone can put themselves through the police academy if they have the money and meet the physical requirements. And if you graduate and get your act120 certification, you can get hired as a cop somewhere. I'm not "bashing" cops, I'm bashing individuals who happen to be cops that don't deserve to wear a badge. I like cops in general I've got lots of friends that are cops. But I do have experience with bad cops too and I know it's not that hard to get hired, or these bozo's would never have been given a badge.

Maybe your state is different.

Now that is some down-to-earth truth, real-person's perspective. I think I'm gonna print that out and frame it. And I'm not joking.
I happen to know the higher ups in the local and provincial departments and they hate it when they have a cop who has an attitude. Like any other job an employee who causes problems don't last long as they make their bosses life difficult. I have dealt with police officers on a professional basis for over a decade and I can say I have only dealt with 2 officers who had attitudes and they were not in the area too long. Those who don't want to resign get transferred until they change or they resign. There are plenty of stories out there about rogue cops but with the on the spot media through cells phones and other equipment the stories have diminished quit a bit since cops like the recent one who had a bikini clad babe in his cruiser got fired when the picture showed up on facebook.. Also with the video cams that nearly all cruisers have now record everything that happens prior to and during a stop so the police officers don't have the option to do anything but what they need to do.
I live in New York and I can tell you not many A$$holes make it through the cracks......The days of the Good Ole Boys are over ..At least in New York that it..That's because of a thing called "Civil Service"...YOu actually have to take an entrance exam, Background, Psychological exams before even getting hired..That's the only way you can attend a Poliec Academy..As far as being "sponsored" it is still done, however there is still a background done....Unfortunatlely some people do becoem douchbags and *ssh*les when they get "on the job".....These people usually get weede out...One more thing, here in New York once you get hired and out of the academy you are on a one year probation period, they can shitcan you for wearing the wrong color socks on probation....But yes once in a while ther are corrupt cops...But most of us are good guys.....!!!!!
By the way, I didn't mean to come off as a cop hater so I'm sorry if what I said was offensive to you. I have a lot of respect for cops (even if I don't like to see them behind me when I'm driving :lol: ), I hope there's no hard feelings.
kornball426 said:
By the way, I didn't mean to come off as a cop hater so I'm sorry if what I said was offensive to you. I have a lot of respect for cops (even if I don't like to see them behind me when I'm driving :lol: ), I hope there's no hard feelings.
No Worries............ 😀
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