Jumpbox/invertor/solar panel idea (updated)

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Royal Smart Person
Nov 12, 2007
Nort o Philly
Jumpboxs are great but how often do you happen to be carrying one when you need it? And if you do, when was it last charged? I know mine is at the shop, plugged in ,ready to go right where I "don't" need it. No help if I leave my lights on while in the bar. :roll:

I had all sorts of ideas like using a battery isolator to keep it charged while carrying it in the car. The cost (wiring, battery isolator etc) and work did not seem reasonible. There is also something called a VSR (voltage sensing relay $70) that could be used but was discounted because of the same reasons.

Then I had another idea, use a solar cell to maintian the jump box. So I was off and running.

First the jump box I got one from Kmart/Sears. I found one online for sale in a Chicago Kmart and my local store price matched, went from $149.95 :shock: local to $109.95. This thing does everything but wash the windows.


The second piece is a Sunforce 52018 solar panel 2pk. ... clnk&gl=us

Talked with the manufacture and it will work fine with the jump box. They don't list it as having a blocking diode, so it does not discharge the battery at night, but they assured me it has one.

The plan mount it on the wheelhump in the back of the wagon at a 40 degree angle. Then plug it direct into a 12v port on the box. The second panel will go on the dash and be used "as designed".

So if dummy leaves his lights on again, I can just pull the box out of the back and jump myself ? or a hottie in distress! :mrgreen:

You could run one or both panels on the package tray and keep the jumpbox in the trunk in a non-wagon.

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Re: Jumpbox/invertor/solar panel idea I am trying

there is something already made that uses solar pannels to keep yer battery charged. theres ones for cars, suvs and rv, and i think even motorcycles. its pritty sweet that you figured out how to do it on yer own, but someone else beat ya to that idea. good job tho. where are the pics?
Re: Jumpbox/invertor/solar panel idea I am trying

The ones I have listed are for maintaining car batterys, comes with a cigarette plug.

I am just using one to keep the jump box charged so the box and car are seperate systems.

No pics yet.

Will do some voltmeter testing also.
Re: Jumpbox/invertor/solar panel idea I am trying

I don't know about a "battery isolation relay", but on the Chevy trucks with dual battery and camper equipment, there is simply a relay that connects the second battery to the first when the ignition is on. You can do this with a simple off-the-shelf relay for under $10.
Re: Jumpbox/invertor/solar panel idea I am trying

If I am understanding you correct, the power is being run threw the relay? If so, no $10 relay is going to handle the alternator output (85amps in my case).

A "battery isolator", not relay, has one input and 2 out. It has 2 big diodes that seperate the batterys so the alt can charge both ,but if one dies it is "isolated" from the other.The down side is the diodes get hot and use up some of your power before it gets to the batteries.Not my drawing:

The VSR is a smart version. Works similar charging both but when the batteries get to 12.8 volts it disconnects the aux. battery so the starter battery stays charged. The aux. battery can go to zero. Also since it is a relay, the voltage drop is minimal compared to the diode type. VSR would be great in a high output stereo deal also.
Also from the net:


Beside cost and wiring, AGM batteries (especially small ones) are sensative to charge amperage. The 120v charger for the jumpbox only puts out 1000mA. The solar panel I am maintaining it with is only 125mA@ 15v.

I just want to try something simple and "idiotproof" .

Plus the added features of the jumpbox will be handy at the track.
Re: Jumpbox/invertor/solar panel idea I am trying

Not sure if anyone is following this or cares but stage 1 is complete.

The jumpbox was charged per instructions (took 2 days) and then was left in my garage. I checked it once a week for discharge.
Sometime between week 2 and 3 the battery discharged 1%. That is right in line with what AGM batterys do, uo to 3% per month.

I am inpressed with the little solar maintaners (notice I did not say chargers). In direct sunlight they put out 24v. In the car they settle in about 15v. The high volatage will not hurt anything since at most they put out 300ma.

Also they are very sensitive, the indicator on them stays on at dust and in the shade (meaning there is output) although output is real low. Heck, at night I noticed a dim glow from the light when sitting under a well lit gas island at WAWA.

The whole deal is in my car now.

Week one: jumpbox is at 100%.

I am going to call it success.

My wife went from Pa to Conn. last Sunday night to do a presentaion for work first thing Monday.

Since she was making a long trip, I gave her the box "just in case".

No emergency happened but they used it to power their computers while they practiced the presention on the way up (4 hours).

When she came home Monday night the box was at 80%.

I decided to, instead of charging it using 120v unit that came with, see if the solar panel will bring it back up.

As of today it's at 95%. Being it is cold as sh*t here and sunny days have been few, I am impressed.

It will be waiting at 100% in no time.
sounds like a good setup. what would be really cool is if you figured out how to mount it on the roof of the wagon so its connected all the time and yer battery is 100%, 100% of the time.
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