Last street race?

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Royal Smart Person
Jul 4, 2008
Okay, I know this will be a lame race, but first let me give you a story. My olds 307 blew a rod a while back and now taps uncontrollably after the car warms up for a few minutes. I periodically drive it to the gas station and back home, about two/three times a year. It isn't registered but I do have basic insurance for it. It has no gauges and couldn't pass emissions if I wanted it to, the transmission also has big problems, and the battery charge only lasts about an hour, if I drive it hard - only about 20 minutes.

Anyway, that's the car I have (and is why I'm making it work). I was on my way to the station to get what should be the last tank of gas before the engine swap, and just wanted to have fun with it - the engine won't be worth anything when I take it out. From driving it before it blew, I knew the car only hooks up (and quite well) around a certain stoplight turn in my neighborhood. So I cruise really slow to the light thinking I'm going to lose power any minute. The last thing I would be thinking about was a race 🙂

An acura RSX pulls in the next lane, with the body kit, bomb exhaust, etc. I think it's a nice car, no beef, but at this point I just want to get my car home without pushing. Then the guy rolls the windows down, starts to rev the engine and does something like a FWD burnout, looking more like a bunny hop. Basically he's trying to humiliate my old beater so I couldn't let him keep on :evil:

With the engine clanking and my gears grinding, I decided to give the old girl one more run from the turn. Light turns green, olds and RSX jumps out of the turn, just like old times it whomps the rsx by 2-3 lengths. I keep it on the throttle until 70 where the transmission starts making other plans (this isn't the widest road around) and have a considerable lead, so I let off. I knew he would catch me if I left it in high gear because the p.o.s. transmission has a mind of it's own. Of course I turn off into the neighborhood like I was running away, but what am I gunna do?

The charge went dead about 100 meters from home, but it was worth the push :wink:
lol thats great, gotta love ricers! my buddy raced a salleen mustang with open headers against his grand prix gtp. it was fun we were keeping up until the deuche turned on us.
custom442 said:
Okay, I know this will be a lame race, but first let me give you a story. My olds 307 blew a rod a while back and now taps uncontrollably after the car warms up for a few minutes. I periodically drive it to the gas station and back home, about two/three times a year. It isn't registered but I do have basic insurance for it. It has no gauges and couldn't pass emissions if I wanted it to, the transmission also has big problems, and the battery charge only lasts about an hour, if I drive it hard - only about 20 minutes.

Anyway, that's the car I have (and is why I'm making it work). I was on my way to the station to get what should be the last tank of gas before the engine swap, and just wanted to have fun with it - the engine won't be worth anything when I take it out. From driving it before it blew, I knew the car only hooks up (and quite well) around a certain stoplight turn in my neighborhood. So I cruise really slow to the light thinking I'm going to lose power any minute. The last thing I would be thinking about was a race 🙂

An acura RSX pulls in the next lane, with the body kit, bomb exhaust, etc. I think it's a nice car, no beef, but at this point I just want to get my car home without pushing. Then the guy rolls the windows down, starts to rev the engine and does something like a FWD burnout, looking more like a bunny hop. Basically he's trying to humiliate my old beater so I couldn't let him keep on :evil:

With the engine clanking and my gears grinding, I decided to give the old girl one more run from the turn. Light turns green, olds and RSX jumps out of the turn, just like old times it whomps the rsx by 2-3 lengths. I keep it on the throttle until 70 where the transmission starts making other plans (this isn't the widest road around) and have a considerable lead, so I let off. I knew he would catch me if I left it in high gear because the p.o.s. transmission has a mind of it's own. Of course I turn off into the neighborhood like I was running away, but what am I gunna do?

The charge went dead about 100 meters from home, but it was worth the push :wink:

Good kill. Too bad the guy didn't follow you into the neighborhood and ask "what ya got under the hood?" I woulda liked to seen the look on his face when you told him! :wink:
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