Making money off blogging?

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You can also run a car off of animal or human waste. How? Well, all you would need are a big compressor and a digestion tank. Shovel the sh*t into the tank and let it rot, then use the inlet side of the compressor to draw off the top of the digester tank. This will allow you to make compressed methane gas that you can then transfer to a storage tank on the car. Run an Impco carb, and voila! Now you're driving a car off of sh*t and piss. Remember: Chickens and pigs have the most powerful sh*t of them all, so it is wise to include a lot of it in the mix. This is why, if you remember, Bartertown on "Mad Max III: Beyond Thunderdome" had all the pigs in the basement. They used the waste to run a generator.

As far as it goes, it is a good idea for another blog. Thanks! Now I just have to figure out a name for it. My plan would be to link to the different blogs in my little blogospherian universe so that page hits from one would generate hits on another.
I picked up an lp carb for cheap, but it's not an impco. Good stuff man, if you write it, they will come.... :rofl:
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