Morals- What happened to them? Rant

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Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
It seems to me that my generation (gen x as some may call it) have absolutely no morals whatsoever. While there are the lucky few who were born and raised with some sort of values, others just seem to have no manners, no respect for others, or just don't give a rats a** about anything else but themselves. What comes out of their mouths are "I want this..." or "I deserve this". I go to Texas A&M University and I look around at these kids who's parents are, and I'm quoting Ron White on this, "LOOOOAAAAAAADDDDDEEEEEDDDD-DUH". Kids rolling around in new porsches and lambos without a care in the world and all because their going to the same school as mommy and daddy. I've heard of giving your children a better life than what you had but there has got to be a line in the sand somewhere.

So what the heck happened America? During WW1 and WW2, people came together and supported this country and took pride in saying "I'm an American citizen" or "God Bless America". Now people just either don't care or want everything handed to them in a golden basket. Sorry if I don't want my hard earned money going to someone who doesn't "feel" like working. O wait its happening already with the social security system (Not blaming those who actually need it, just the frauds). I'm sorry but it is really sad to see this country in such a hurt-locker that it is in now when we have done so much as a nation.

That's why I'm working towards gaining my BS in political science, get into the military as an officer, and become involved in politics. There just is not enough true, honest politicians anymore that are not corrupt or lying to the public. The day I see a politician stand by their values is the day when Americans gain trust in our government. Until then, "We the People" will continue to vote incumbents out of office until the job is done. Perfect example is the senator election that took place in the blue dog state of massachusetts. When I saw that a Republican Senator was elected, I finally felt that the American people are waking up and are not going to stand for crooked politics anymore.
You can't just decide you want to be a musician or a pro football player. That takes talent. I think the same goes for being in Washington. You can't just go because you want to change things to be the right way. Unless you have some solid ideas about how to do it, you're no better than the next guy. I'm not saying you don't have ideas. I'm just saying it takes a lot more than willing to do it to make it get done. Otherwise, everyone would be a top selling musician or pro basketball player.
Most of those guys get up there because their sellouts and are corrupt. The only reason they get to where they are now is by bribes and telling lies to the public just like Obama did.

And what happened to the old phrase "Be what you want to be, and don't let anyone stop you". Or when we were younger our parents said " You can be whatever you want when you grow up". I wanted to be a storm chaser after watching too many of those twister movies. But I decided that our nation needs better politicians and people in local, state, and federal offices than they need out in a field chasing tornadoes.
Same as my generation,i was born in the 90s,now that everyone in my gen is around 16-18 they can get their license and drive to school,some have used 10 year old cars and others have brand new cars,and the fact that they can get their license and be able to drive under their parents full support pisses me off.They get handed their keys while mommy and daddy pay $120 insurance and their gas money without the kids even having a job or giving two flying sh*ts about everyone else.Kids my age are spoiled rotten,i'm 17,i have a nice 86 cutlass salon with a 402hp olds v8 in it and yet i barely can afford parts to get it running,i had the engine in my car since december and its still not running yet,and the engine was bought 99 percent complete.It is most likely the nicest old car and the fastest car in my school (according to opinions),but yet I dont have a job,license and i have to sell my collection of parts i plan on using for my cutlass when it gets restored just for other parts to get it running,its a damn shame.I have filled out at least 45 applications for work since october and still nothing.I guess this is my rant about my generation,lots of kids my age arent even going to do anything with their lives except sit around and party,i and a few others plan on college and making something out of ourselves.
My 2cents worth. I was born in 1951, so I guess that makes me sorta old. I believe that a lot of the problems we are experiencing, start in the home. Family values, manners, respect not only for others, but for yourself.When I was young, I wanted to be like my dad, you know, work, make money, have things I wanted, get married, have a family etc. I always was taught that you had to work hard to get the things you wanted, and get to where you wanted to be. Those values were given to me by my parents. I have 5 children, and my wife and I have given those values to all of our kids, and they were and are happy they have them. Most of their friends, from the 35yr old to the 8yr old, do not have the same values. IT ALL STARTS AT HOME. If the parents quit on the kids, the kids will quit on everything else. Well, now that I got that off my chest, I think I will go play with my 8yr old. I'll probably learn something new today. ....................................mickey-d :lol: :lol:
A-MEN guys! I've been saying this for years.... just glad I'm not the only one feeling this way!

Pat, my hat is off to you, for wanting to serve your country, and hope to make a change in the way things are! You are absolutley correct, that you can do whatever you put your mind to ( carmangary is correct about talent though, but if you don't try to reach your dreams, you'll always regret yourself for not trying, and become one of those people who complain about it, but never do anything about it.) Don't let others try to knock you down along the way.

Minion, sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders for someone your age... talking to you in the chat room, I would've guessed you were that young!

Mickey, you hit the nail on the head.... It starts at home.... my parents also started teaching me the values of hard work, love of country, respect, and all the values that seem to have been forgotten nowadays. I'm only 42 now, but those values should still be taught.... the parents who never learned the values, have no idea what to teach their own kids(alot of these chilren are born from mere kids themselves.... whee's THAT moral lesson???)

The whole instant gratification thing really started in the 1960's, and blossomed from there. People lost their love of God, and with it any sense of moral responsibility. Now, there is always a remnant of people who believe or have morals ( sometimes mutually exclusive!), but with each succeeding generation that number goes down. After all, if there is no God, nothing is ever truly right or wrong, just legal or illegal. For no man can set up a moral framework for another man to follow as men all have moral equality insofar as being able to set the rules goes. So, today the ethos is seeking pleasure for today for tomorrow is death and nothing more exists beyond it. This is the core of Post-Modernism, and why we are as we are today.
looks like gbodies bring together the greatest minds in america...haha. you all make good points ol and young. im 17 and im not too fond of the country my generation is soon to inherit. i think the problem with america is people refuse to think outside their boundaries. perfect example.. people look at the confederate flag and think it means that person waving it supports slavery.wrong. the person with that flag thinks the rebels in the south were right for fighting then they say theyll defend he US. the confederates were against the developing US. make up your mind!!! everyone thinks the president controls the laws and bills passed. wrong. its the congress people. obama isnt all that bad
That's why I'm working towards gaining my BS in political science, get into the military as an officer, and become involved in politics.
yeah, great, just what we ****in need. another god damn useless political ******* in the military. nothing personal, and i have nothing against you, but politics DOES NOT BELONG IN THE MILITARY!!!!! this is why the modern military sucks. our so called leaders worry more about their political careers than the troops under them, and more about their future careers than the safety of our country. they also pay more attention to politics than military capability and methodology.
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