How far into the evaporator line (the upper one with the dimples) is the orifice tube supposed to go? I assume it should go in until the end of the orifice tube is even with the end of the evaporator line. If it doesn't, the line from the condenser that connects to the upper evaporator line won't go on. Yet, the last time I inserted it into the line I had to force it in until it was even with the end of the evaporator line. That didn't seem right but I was able to connect the condenser line. After the system was evacuated and charged I still wasn't getting cold A/C. And the orifice tube was pushed all the way to the end of the line where it makes a 45 degree turn into the evaporator. It took me about 1 1/2 hours to get it out even with using the Robinair orifice tube removal kit. The orifice tube is a 38623 or T38623 which from our catalog (I work at Advance) and everything I see on the internet is the right one. Those dimples, I believe, are meant to be stops so the orifice tube can go no further. If I push it in until I hear (and feel) a click, which I assume is the tube locking into those dimples, it's still too far out for the other line to be connected. If I force it in like last time, it has gone past those dimples and now nothing is preventing it from being pushed down the line. This changes where the transition from liquid to gas takes place. I have been told that under normal circumstances the orifice tube should be easy to insert and remove. I have checked the evaporator line for any obstructions and found none. What's going on here? Is that orifice tube some generic universal replacement for the original and may not work in all cases? I have tried 4 times to get this A/C system going with no luck. The compressor is new, the accumulator is new, and the evaporator, condensor and all lines have been flushed out. I have also checked this against another evaporator I have and the orifice tube only goes in the same distance with the end still hanging out. This is an 84 Grand Prix in case that makes any difference although I think all the Gbodys use the same A/C system. Frustrated!