posting pics

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do you mean just "inlining" an image or posting pics into the photo album?

doing the inline is easy, so long as the pic is already up on the web somewhere... just hit the -img- button and put the url of the image inbetween the -img- tags.

putting pics on the photo album isn't that hard, you'll need to first create your personal gallery (there should be a button on top of things in the album page), then create at least one album to start with (you can have many) then upload your images... it's pretty self explanatory once you get going.

The tricky part is knowing you need to create the gallery and album first. You should see a button called 'Create/Order Albums' where you can do this. click the little [?] button for help anywhere you see it.

Then once you have your pics in you can inline those as above... you can get the url of an image by right-clicking on it and selecting properties.
like this:

right click on the image you want and hit copy location or, right click on it, hit properties and copy the url from that.

when you're posting, hit the [ img ] button, then paste the img's url in, then hit the [ img ] button again to close it, like this:

its not working for me i dont know what im doing wrong im right clicking on the pic then hitting properties then coping the whole url then tring to post buy hiting img then paste then img again
somehow you've got BBCode turned off. make sure the 'Disable BBCode in this post' box below is *NOT* checked.... You might want to check your profile settings, looks like they've been changed from the defaults. I changed the 'Always use BBCode' back to on.
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