Pot is a religious right

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Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
These two tried a defense to trafficking pot that the religion they created, Church of the Universe, uses the drug as a sacrament but it failed...I can't figure out why they lost... :shock:

Seriously? That pic should be used in an ANTI-smoking ad!
i do think pot should be legalized, but as a religious right? Noooooo
GP I know you are poking fun at this, however my understading is that the judge ruling stated they are allowed to smoke dope on the basis that it's their religious belief, just not to distribute ( they were caught selling dope at their church services ).

I have no issue with dope, IMO it's better than alchohol ( and I don't smoke LOL )

http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/artic ... o-carry-on
Hey GP did this happen in Canada? I think i remember you being canadian......
I'm not really making fun of them. I think they are a accurate personification of what a dope head becomes. I don't want to see dope legalized as there is more than enough things in this society that is detrimental to it's own existence. Legalizing it would only be a benefit to the government coffers with the taxes collected on the product. Once legalized it's only a matter of time till the next drug is legalized and then the next and so on...
79malibu350 said:
Hey GP did this happen in Canada? I think i remember you being canadian......

yup it happened up here....there is another story up here where a guy who was buying his dope from legal sources for the medical marijuana program and he wants a refund cause his doctor said the dope is poor quality and not strong enough but the gov is balking on the refund....
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