Rants and Raves

While we’re at it, people that try to brake-check you. Whether they’re trying to “teach you a lesson” or just getting back at you for honking or some other perceived injustice.

Now, when I have some “gnat” or other DB tailgating me, I’ll sometimes do it to, but I find it more amusing and satisfying to just gradually slow down, and get them all the more enraged. 😄
People who post political bullshit even though they know its against the rules and know it'll get a thread locked down and their posts deleted.
Also people who dis Toyota. :mrgreen: Coming from a current (200k+ miles on my '11 4Runner) and former Prius owner here. My Prius wasn't a bad car. Freakishly blew a head gasket at 120k and literally NOBODY would touch the car. I didn't have time or tools etc. to mess with it when it happened. OMG BATRYS OMG NO. Finally found one guy who would fix it, got it done and then bailed on it immediately. Here's the deal with the Prius: If you live in town and all you do is piddle around to the grocery store, or work and back.... it'd probably be awesome. At 70mph on the highway for 30 minutes each way to everything (where I'm at) it did no better milage wise than the Cruze we replaced it with. :mrgreen: Is it "cool" or fast? hell no.
Here's just a few non-political ones.

People who are addicted to their phones, social media and taking pictures of themselves.

Right fighters. People who can't agree to disagree.

People with no table manners. I don't want to watch you chew with your mouth open, eat with your hands, not use a napkin or lick your fingers.

Those ****ing berries from the Bradford pear tree in my yard that keep falling all over my truck and leaving red sap that is impossible to get off.

TV ads for politicians, especially now that we are nearing election day.

Verizon FiOS, who was supposed to send me new set top boxes and has sent the wrong ones four times over the course of five weeks, and then when I call they transfer me to someone in a noisy call room in India.

My inbred hillbilly neighbors.

Also I quite like Toyota. We have an 2004 Camry in the family that we've owned since new, and it has over 200k miles and is still ticking. Its starting to show some wear mostly due to the fact that my sister has been driving it and she doesn't take care of jack squat. Also had a 1990 Camry that was a tank and had 200k+ miles when we sold it to the neighbors who took it to 270k miles before they got rid of it. I'm not much of a fan of the newer Toyotas, I think the Corolla and RAV4 are ugly as hell and everything else they sell is overpriced. The '18+ Camrys are sharp but again, overpriced for what they are.
Tourist, they turn without signalling, hammer on the brakes because "OH THAT'S PRETTY" just making it unsafe for others!!

Warm beer, dam skunk piss! Parking spots now days that are only made for small cars so your large vehicle gets all dinged up an last but not least having to buy 2 airplane seat tickets because your to wide to squeeze into one seat. Believe me it's a thing!!!!
People who park at a gas pump at a busy station so they can go inside and do a week's worth of shopping for chips and beer. Meanwhile their car sits tying up a pump for 15 minutes. There should be a law that allows you to pump a dollar's worth of gas on their car and set it on fire.

People who park at a gas pump at a busy station so they can go inside and do a week's worth of shopping for chips and beer. Meanwhile their car sits tying up a pump for 15 minutes. There should be a law that allows you to pump a dollar's worth of gas on their car and set it on fire.


I usually don't mind this except when the Diesel Bro's park their lifted pavement princesses at the pump for 20 minutes and stand there just to make sure everyone knows they drive a diesel and not a gasser because ITS A CUMMINS BRAH. Then they have to take a thousand pictures of it so they can jack off to it later.

Or the dirtbike people who pull up with their trailer than has 10 dirt bikes and 3 quads on it and they have to fill each dirt bike individually on separate transactions so that everyone pays for their own gas, then fill 35 ****ing jerry cans, then add 2 stroke oil to each one individually, then fill up their truck. That's obnoxious.

When people say "throw shade" when they mean to say insulted.

Throwing shade is a good thing. If it's hot outside and the sun is shining, if someone threw a canopy or some form of shade to me I would say thank you.

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