rubber brake line

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I have a feeling that "pimplogic" is pulling our chains !! :shock: Under his user name he has "master mechanic". What "master mechanic" would ask such a question?? Maybe"master maniac" would be better. :rofl: Come on pimpdude, you can't be serious !! :lol: .....................................mickey-d 🙂 😀 :lol:
Well, n00b, Apprentice, Master Mechanic, G Body Guru, and Royal Smart Person only pertain to post count, and don't reflect how much you actually do or don't know.
I too think he is "pulling our chain". Don't think anybody would seriously consider this. Generally speaking getting high doesn't go well with anything automotive related. Working on them, driving them, or posting questions about cars. Now if your serious and not high at the moment. It's well worth the investment for a hydraulic flaring tool. Mastercool 71475 can be had for around $300 (will do ALL flares) or 3100 (double & push flare only) for $235. I know really expensive but it will do perfect flares EVERY time, will do stainless just as easy, can do flares on lines already on the vehicle. Plus when your buddies borrow it the rental fee is a 12-pack of your favorite beverage! 8) pays for itself over time!
don't forget that normal rubber will degrade quickly when in contact with brake fluid....

shopping high in a parts store really isn't the problem.... most of the parts stores have munchie racks somewhere in the store.... you might have a problem when your munchies and sodas total up to more than the parts you went to buy in the first place! :lol:
Yo Blake, do you have a problem with the truth?? I gave an opinion on a post! I was also making a joke! I took some time and read some of the guys posts, did you?? I did not see one post that really made sense, or reflected any type of automotive intelligence. :lol: My 3yr old granddaughter asks better questions!! :rofl: I like the idea of some humor on forums, but his posts are not humerus!! :lol: Oh, and I know what the little names are for, I'm a Moderator on another forum. :lol: :lol: ......................................mickey-d :twisted: :evil:
Mickey-d, yes I did/do read his posts.
Believe it or not, there's folks on here that are pretty new to the hobby, and aren't as experienced as some of the rest of us, so I'm not all that suprised to see questions pop up like these, now matter how out there they may seem.
Besides, there's way more fun ways to **** with people than posting simple questions. :lol:
If He is pulling our leg, than I'll just pass by his posts. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.

I don't think there are many people on here that enjoy a good laugh more than myself, but why not give the guy the benefit of the doubt, and try and steer him in the right direction like everybody else did that posted before you?
As I said in my post, I was making a joke ! And I was not the only one who thought he was a little left of center. :shock: You, I might give the benefit of the doubt, you seem to have at least some of your act together, but the other guy, not happening !! :lol: I get the feeling you know the guy, and are just sticking up for him, good luck.
...........................mickey-d :lol:
mickey-d said: seem to have at least some of your act together...

Yes! It's working! Some is an accurate assessment, since I certainly don't have all of my act together. :lol:
It's all about creating the illusion.
As long as I can make myself not come off as an idiot, than I consider that a success!
And no, I don't know the guy. I just know that he's young and green, like we all once were.

Besides, I like to save my giving people a hard time for the ones that really deserve it, like Pat. :rofl:
Well, Blake, I guess you're OK ! I was sort of testing you, and you fooled me ! :shock: Nice talking with you. 😀
..................................mickey-d :twisted:
Ok i was just looking for a temp fix to get the car to my garage. i dont see why asking a simple question gets you guys all riled up.
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