Rusting away: 1984 Grand Prix: Please Rate

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Royal Smart Person
Jan 31, 2010
Ontario, Canada eh!
I'm in Canada but I had a girlfriend in New Jersey a few years ago. I visited her often so when I bought this car from Mariland (it was in mint condition) I had it insured and titled under her name, in New Jersey -- the insurance was cheaper, and it was easier for me to cross the Canada/US border with a U.S. titled car.

Long story short, we broke up, she took everything but the kitchen sink (which was ok, because all I cared about with the car lol) so she was supposed to send me the title for the car. She never did. There is no way to transfer the ownership of a U.S. titled car to Canada without the authentic U.S. title. She disappeared on her usual escapades, while this car sat in my parking spot for years. I eventually gave this car to a buddy of mine, and it now sits in a barn (on rally wheels) waiting for rust to put it out of it's misery.

Anyways, here it was, in it's prime. 1984 Pontiac Grand Prix Brougham with vinyl top. There were only 3 simple mods done to the car. Can you guess what they were?




Loved this car. So did everyone who saw it. Please give your thoughts and opinions....
There are ways to acquire a title. There is a company in Nevada that reproduces titles. I bought my 71' roadrunner from a guy who lost the title. The company out in nevada basically produced me a title after I checked the DMV in california and texas to make sure the car was not reported as stolen. You pretty much, on paper, sell the car to the company, and then they, on paper, sell it back to you in the form of a new title for your car. My family and friends have done this about 3-5 times now. With no problems.

As far as the ex, I told my gf if we ever get married, we are going to sign a pre-nup.
454muscle said:
Anyways, here it was, in it's prime. 1984 Pontiac Grand Prix LJ with vinyl top. There were only 3 simple mods done to the car. Can you guess what they were?

Exhaust, wheels, steering wheel, or maybe air shocks, lol. And ya it was a good looking car.
patmckinneyracing said:
There are ways to acquire a title. There is a company in Nevada that reproduces titles. I bought my 71' roadrunner from a guy who lost the title. The company out in nevada basically produced me a title after I checked the DMV in california and texas to make sure the car was not reported as stolen. You pretty much, on paper, sell the car to the company, and then they, on paper, sell it back to you in the form of a new title for your car. My family and friends have done this about 3-5 times now. With no problems.

As far as the ex, I told my gf if we ever get married, we are going to sign a pre-nup.
as far as i know you cant do sh*t if the title is in her name....dont think i need to mention how dumb of an idea that was....she has to sign it over to you and thats it. if everyone could just go get a vin off of some random car and have a new title made there would be thousands of cars stolen like this daily. sorry but until she signs the title over to you its still her car. she could possibly even take you to court over theft for having it all this time. she prolly doesn't care that much though.
as for the pre-nup it only covers your *ss for what you had before you got married. whatever you get after marriage is fare game ie you win the lotto, buy a huge house, have 20 pristine g-body's, she still gets half of everything but say your crappy boat you had before you married her. its sad to say but the world we live in is set up to take care of those with the b**bs. here in south dakota grandparents have more rights to your children then you do. most the time the only way a male can get full custody is if the mother dies or is unfit by some sort of addiction or severe neglect. and then the grandparents still have a shot at taking the kids. its a ****ed up system
outsider_27 said:
Nice car. You should have had her sign the title and give it to you to keep since it was your car. Don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die!
no kidding there. i broke up with my girlfriend of nearly five years about 2 months ago. she took almost everything when she left! damn b*tch. she threw a shoe and one of those 4 inch thick phone books at me. she even stole my romen :shock: who the hell does that?
outsider_27 said:
83cutlassowner said:
she even stole my romen :shock: who the hell does that?
Stealing romen noodles? That's just mean!
lol exactly. it isnt like they're worth stealing. it was just more of an inconveniance for me cuz i had to go get more. she also took 3 of my 4 garbage cans. true story :rofl: :wtf:
Why not swap vins? I'd buy a clapped out wreck, same year and swap the vins, the rivets are right under the dash where no one can see if it's been fooled with. I know, I know, illegal, blah, blah, blah. It's not like it's stolen, just a stupid situation. Then the wreck can be junked without the title and you keep the good one.
Bonnewagon said:
Why not swap vins? I'd buy a clapped out wreck, same year and swap the vins, the rivets are right under the dash where no one can see if it's been fooled with. I know, I know, illegal, blah, blah, blah. It's not like it's stolen, just a stupid situation. Then the wreck can be junked without the title and you keep the good one.
yea thats an option i guess. but is it really worth the risk of serious jail time if you get caught?
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