Search Engine - Do you know what it is? (RANT!)

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Re: Search Engine - Do you know what it is?

That was my whole point for starting this thread. I remember when I first came up here and had to ask questions but I made sure that they were very specific questions that were not general in a sense. An example would be, as far as the "I wanna supe up my 307", maybe a way to word that is "Is there a intake/carb swap that will get me more torque out of my 307". Sweet and to the point, not general in a sense where you're gonna get into cam selection, valvetrain parts, bottom end, electronics, etc etc.

My argument is if some people would simply research in this search engine or on google you would be amazed of how a lot of these topics have been covered on the corvette forums, monte carlo forums, and the turbobuick forum. Its just simply putting up with certain lazy people.

Another reason I started this thread is because I've noticed a recent flood of noob members here on the forum. I want it to be know that there is a search engine and if you are going to ask a question, then please be specific. Were not trying to scare you away or tear your head off. Most of us older members up here are very good about answering your specific questions. Like me, If I don't see the functional purpose of a certain part, then I'm gonna tell you. Yeah a scoop and a fart can muffler is nice, but what the hell is the purpose. Is it a want or a need? I did that once where I thought one of those skull rearview mirrors from walmart would look badass in my malibu, in the end it looked like I was some white julio on the southside of san antonio. Man did I feel dumb.

As far as the other forums and their tolerances compared to this one, this is one of the most tolerant forums I've ever seen on the net. You go to some of these other ones, they get pissed if you don't list extensive details of your setup or car.

I'm not gonna sit by and not answer a question if I know the answer to it. If I don't answer it, then Joe Blow out in Bodunkville is gonna do something stupid because someone might give him the wrong information. Sometimes, these questions involve serious health risks that if you don't say for instance " Be careful when removing the front springs because..." this or this can happen then you put that person at risk. I may hate answering another monotonous question, but if it keeps that person safe and from wasting their money, then I will answer it.
Alright, I think its time to consider an official GBF FAQ or even a limited-edit-access wiki for this kind of stuff. Don't expect one tomorrow but it needs to be done.... Not sure my server could handle a wiki at this point but she's going to be upgraded anyway.....
Re: Search Engine - Do you know what it is?

Rant on!! Let's blow off some steam!

The search engine on phpBB is not very user friendly (I don't think anyway) I am a member on few other forums and the vBullentin search is a whole lot easier and user friendly. The search engine on this site irratates me sometimes
Re: Search Engine - Do you know what it is?

patmckinneyracing said:
If I don't answer it, then Joe Blow out in Bodunkville is gonna do something stupid because someone might give him the wrong information.
Re: Search Engine - Do you know what it is?

rebelgtp said:
Dang someone pee in your Cheerios this morning or something?
It was me 😳 Sorry about that.

But seriously... I just want to know if someone can give me some information, instructions, or tips on doing a 307 to 350 SBC engine swap.

Lol ok but for real seriously this time: Why not just PM one of the moderators (GP403, Tony_SS, 85 Cutlass Brougham, dougfather) and suggest putting up a "Rules and/or Guidelines" post, and making it a sticky which is visible and also visible in the "New Users" forum, and also it can be posted on the forum Registration page (those terms of service can be edited by admin).
One thing to remember though guys is that not every new member here is familiar with forums or how they work or are setup. When I joined my first automotive forum a couple years ago, I had no idea what a forum even was, yet alone how to get around it. There really is no point in ranting about it, there will be new users every day that have no idea what to do on a forum, but as they get used to it, they will find the search feature and start doing their own research on the forum out of pure curiosity.

If they never get it, send them a friendly PM about the search feature. Some people will join a site like this just for some information and not have any clue the search is even there.

The important thing to remember is that this is a forum and people come here to get help from us 8)
Just rant to rant. Like I said, you get the new guys who I'm not gonna chastize as much but you get those who been here a while asking stupid questions or people just being lazy about searching.
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