time to piece her back together

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Re: got ****ed by a deer today

i dont know why it's never the beat up dodge pickup running into deer and various other stupid animals
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

JBrue, you're a funny dude! :rofl: And don't think it only happens out in the sticks. I was returning home from a beer run in PA on I-80 and 5 minutes from the GW Bridge a deer jumps in front of me! Braked, swerved, beep-beeped and it stood still staring at me. Hard to stop with all that beer on board, but I missed it.
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

Here we go with the beer hauling stories again!! lol
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

thanks guys

81 regal, my sister lives in sioux falls. i get down there every couple of months. we'll see what the adjuster says and whats goes from there. interested to see how this works out with full coverage ins and the stated value rider i added that is $8500 or 9k i can't remember exactly. deductible is only 100.

yea, the front clip/headlight&blinker, radiator, condensor, fan, shroud, right side fender+maybe fender well too and chrome trim is screwed. the radiator support and bumper and bumper mount is tweaked and maybe repairible. i belive there will be a full paint job coming with it sooner than planned lol. i wonder if i can get it all down before the snow flies :puke: does a fresh paint job need like a month or so to fully cure?
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

Were you flipping the deer off in this pic? Can't see that middle finger to clearly? Sorry to hear, best of luck with the repairs.
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

lol no.

i never flipped it off but did use ever swear word i knew on him. i was holding its head up for the head shot to show the antlers and velvet hanging. to those who don't know what a deer is, that red hole is a broken off antler not me popping a cap in his head. althought i would have if it didn't die right away. :blam:
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

ins guy came at noon today and i got $4680 minus the 100 decd. $1500 for parts and rest for labor and paint etc for the replacement parts. i couldn't talk him into a hood cowl or full paint job :lol: as i tear it down if there is anymore than what we seen from breif looks he says he will adjust it and if some parts run more than listed in there program. the printout i got has most of the parts listed with gm part numbers and prices too. but some have discontinued parts or numbers and etc. so the rebuild starts tomorrow. anyone know if the gn radiator top plate holder will work holder our radiators so i can get rid of the shrouds and just go to electric fans? then would a guy go with a stock type 4 core radiator or these new ebay type aluminum?
Re: got ****ed by a deer today

At least our old cars are tough, if they was in a newer car that would of destroyed that front end and made the air bags go off and probly totalled it.
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