What's your second hobby?

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Royal Smart Person
Jan 13, 2013
I'll assume just keeping a G-body alive is your first hobby, what is the next hobby that takes up all your time? My current is building/modifying watches, mostly dial/hand/part swapping but lately I have ventured into case work, grinding/cutting/polishing.

I take something like this

And do this with case work, hand, dial, bezel swap.

In actuality my other hobby is mostly gardening. I really enjoy doing the flowerbeds and landscaping around the house. I also grow a sizeable vegetable garden most years. This past year I had a tomato plant 8 1/2 feet tall and 6 feet in diameter. I didn't count, but I probably got 200 big tomatoes off of it.
I like shooting things that are really far away, then drinking and talking about the things you shot around a fire with other people who shot things that are far away.

Brings peace to my soul.


In actuality my other hobby is mostly gardening. I really enjoy doing the flowerbeds and landscaping around the house. I also grow a sizeable vegetable garden most years. This past year I had a tomato plant 8 1/2 feet tall and 6 feet in diameter. I didn't count, but I probably got 200 big tomatoes off of it.

Gardening is cool man. I'm into gardening as well. There's something special about growing your own crop. A little care and love and a garden can produce enough produce to make a small venture worth while. Or just can it all and be sure you have enough food for winter. Either way, gardening is a cheap hobby to get into.
Gardening is cool man. I'm into gardening as well. There's something special about growing your own crop. A little care and love and a garden can produce enough produce to make a small venture worth while. Or just can it all and be sure you have enough food for winter. Either way, gardening is a cheap hobby to get into.

Gardening serves a few purposes for me. For one, it helps me get my mind off of cars and work, which would otherwise be near impossible. It's the one thing I do that is really zero stress Also, it gets me outside and moving, I get some exercise and fresh air, away from exhaust fumes and screens. It's satisfying to check on the plants everyday and see what flowers bloomed or how many peppers or tomatoes you get today; it's kinda something to look forward to. And it keeps my yard and house looking nice. Plus I can never eat all the vegetables I end up with, and I like being able to give them away to some neighbors and co-workers.
Home construction/remodeling. I bought my house 24 years ago,It's a 2 story with basement brick house and good sized yard for Pgh.suburbs. I had more than enough yard to add a 24 X 32 garage on the side and drill have a big yard .I has a contractor do the excavating and put up the cinder block walls and floor, Then with a group of guys framed and roofed the 2nd floor. Every interior project I took on I bought books and studied up on how to do it. Google and You Tube didn't exist yet. At this point everything I'd done was paid for. I'd save up enough $$$$ to pay cash for each of the phases that came next. After a few years the addition was done and PAID FOR so I started redoing the house itself. Now the house is 2 years older than me it was built in 1952 so it was WELL BUILT. New kitchen 2 bathrooms all new walls floors electric plumbing pool table in the original living room. Wow this has gotten long, but that's my other hobby.
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