For those following my thread any, you guys know the issue I'm having with my control arm bolts, well the sawzall did not work I dont know what the hell the sleeve inside of the bushings are made of but they eat up sawzall blades made for cutting metal, so next step cutting wheel on a grinder well was going well I was into my second blade and almost through the bolt when the grinder grabbed and kicked back and bit my bicep I was wearing a long sleeve shirt and it caught in it and my arm at the same time, luckily I'm not the panicking type so I pulled the still on grinder back a little with same hand side that the blade was stuck in and managed to shut it off with my other hand so it didnt go deeper, then I had to cut the grinder out of my shirt with my pocket knife, so I'm done for the day I think :shock: don't worry I had my safety goggles on! :lol: joking aside I'm lucky it bit the top of my bicep and not the inside where the artery is.