Recent content by Blake442

  1. Blake442

    '83 Cutlass Cruiser Build Thread

    Got the car all cleaned up and hit the 'Back to the 80s' show yesterday. Beautiful weather and lots of cool stuff. I've never really cared about awards or stuff like that but I ended up winning 3rd place in my class...
  2. Blake442

    '83 Cutlass Cruiser Build Thread

    Fired right up! 2.5 qts of ATF and off for a nice Saturday evening drive! Put about 80 miles on it and it runs great. Get cruisin!
  3. Blake442

    '83 Cutlass Cruiser Build Thread

    Well I didn't get anything done over the winter and I haven't had it out yet, but I'm excited to hopefully have a much more productive season this year! I was goofing around on Google maps the other day and they had a few different years of shots of my place, including this one it says is from...
  4. Blake442

    '83 Cutlass Cruiser Build Thread

    What a weird winter! Nothing new to report but it's always fun seeing the car turn up in various corners of the internet... Somebody snapped these shots at the "Back to the '80s" show in June. Shouldn't be long before it's clear enough to get out on the road!
  5. Blake442

    '83 Cutlass Cruiser Build Thread

    Well not much to report this year. It snowed on Halloween and they salted the daylights out of the roads, so even though it's nice again, cruising season is over... All my plans for the summer kinda collapsed amongst a number of unexpecteds... I think I drove it less than 10 times. Did manage...
  6. Blake442

    Buick 3.8 to Buick 350-1981 Century Wagon Build

    Put about 350+ miles on the car cruising around town the last couple weeks... Ran great! Today it went off to it's new home. Time to play with the other cars!
  7. Blake442

    Buick 3.8 to Buick 350-1981 Century Wagon Build

    Still cleans up half decent! Went for a 30 mile or so test drive last weekend and it smokes a little bit but it runs great! I think I'm gonna take it to the show formerly known as Car Craft next weekend to see if I can find a buyer... Still tinkering with it a bit as I go but...
  8. Blake442

    Dash swap info

    Yes, it will physically bolt it, but you will likely encounter differences in the wiring harness. The factory non-a/c set up uses only the center vents, deleting the outers, so if you wish to reverse that you're going to have quite the project on your hands of making your own ducts...
  9. Blake442

    Buick 3.8 to Buick 350-1981 Century Wagon Build

    Got the leaking power steering hose replaced yesterday... Noticed that the fan is touching the shroud again so I'll have to try and squeeze some more adjustment out of it before I hit the road for a test drive.
  10. Blake442

    Buick 3.8 to Buick 350-1981 Century Wagon Build

    Barn-fresh and finally back from the exhaust shop! They ran the pipes out under the bumper instead of behind the tires like I asked, but otherwise I'm happy... If I was planning to keep it maybe I'd be upset... Now to replace the leaky power steering hose and clean it up!
  11. Blake442

    '83 Cutlass Cruiser Build Thread

    I could've had it out sooner, just been too lazy/busy with other stuff... I've had it out in early April before... Depends on weather and I like to see the street sweepers out first. I got the nice Roadmaster out of storage like 3 weeks ago.
  12. Blake442

    '83 Cutlass Cruiser Build Thread

    Fired right up! Added 2 1/2 quarts of ATF and went on a nice little cruise... Runs and drives great!
  13. Blake442

    Buick 3.8 to Buick 350-1981 Century Wagon Build

    Well Rustoleum Hunt Club Green is a much closer color match... The wind made it challenging but I hammered two cans worth on there lol
  14. Blake442

    Buick 3.8 to Buick 350-1981 Century Wagon Build

    Yeah I had a lot of my old pics hosted on CarDomain and guess they are no more... I've got them saved so I just need to go back and fix this thread and the Cutlass wagon thread... But I'm lazy lol
  15. Blake442

    Buick 3.8 to Buick 350-1981 Century Wagon Build

    It's that time of year to start getting busy! Spent last Saturday on this really rough turbo hood that Jacob gave me... Yikes! Forgot the in-progress shot... I had lofty visions of doing it up the right way but once it set in how rough it was I realized I didn't really want to spend more...

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