OK folks. Looks like we're doing this for real. All the information is available via the official site, just click the big logo ^^ up there. The show is in Carlisle, PA, June 20-22. I know its not exactly "central," but this is one of the big ones.
Here's the thing: We need 25 confirmed GBodyForum.com "show field" registrations to pull this off. Just 25. By May 20. That's just under four months away. No problem. When we get to that point, we'll have a "club tent" to get out of the shade and hang out and stuff.
The link to register your car is here: http://store.carlisleevents.com/Product ... e=2014-031
Make SURE you select GBODYFORUM.COM in the GM Club field on the registration form. If you've already registered without a club affiliation.... I don't know for sure, but I imagine you could probably get yourself added to the roll. I really don't know.
Register a vehicle for the 2014 GM Nationals Showfield. To qualify for the 10% Gate-N-Go pre-registration discount and have your entry window sticker mailed to you, please pre-register prior to May 19th, 2014 at midnight EST. Discount is applied at checkout. Registration includes weekend admission for two people. After registering, a receipt will be emailed to you - please bring this receipt to the event. If you belong to a club, enter the full club name. Please do not abbreviate the club name.
Again: http://store.carlisleevents.com/Product ... e=2014-031
Once you're registered, I'd be grateful if you'd post in this thread saying so. That way we can keep a running total.
I will also post any additional information in this thread. Thanks and can't wait to see you guys there!