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Royal Smart Person
Apr 8, 2007
des plaines, il
well my dad finnally gave me a time limit on getting the elky fixed, so now heres what i have to do to get it legal to drive:
1)fix brake lights - signals and hazards work, but not brake lights.
2)install windshield wiper motor - no motor and all the wires are stripped and painted black.
3)find the battery draining issue or get master disconnect switch - battery drains for unknown reason.
4)fix bent passenger b pillar and find the piece to hold the weatherstripping in. - was gonna take it to a body shop but i think i figured a way to fix it.
5)win the lottery and send it to foose - that would be AWSOME!
so for #1 i think i found the problem for this, 1 the brake switch, 2 the brown wire comming from the light switch pannel to the brake lights.
for #2 i have to figure out what wires do what and then see if the wiper switch even works. then buy a motor and install.
for 3 i think its my alternader but i need to go get it tested. if thats not it then i gotta check all my grounds.
#4 i wanna try to use a ratchet strap to bend it back in tward the center of the car and use a cardboard template to use as a guide. also i cant seem to find the piece that the weatherstripping is connected to on the b pillar. the one i have is bent beyond repair and i have no idea where to look.
#5 prolly wont happen because i dont play the lottery...
if any one here has any sugestions on the following problems please feel free to chime in. thanx for reading my essay on my pos probs.
well today before work i went and jumped my elky for the first time in many months. the engine still runs alittle rough so i think imma get the engine pressure tested, after i change out all the gaskets and clean up the engine parts of carbon. well i thought i had to work at 3pm to 11pm but i was wrong and worked 11pm till 7am. im so friggin tired right now but im trying to get some thing done on this car so i can sell my saturn and get a 200r4 trany for it and drive that thing everyday. a few more things i gotta add to the list is getting new front shocks and new springs. well its gonna be raining here for a few days and i dont have a covered place to work on the car. so i have time to make a plan of attack to get this thing running right and legal. i really wanna drive my elky everywhere with out worring about sh*t breaking or dying on me during trips. so any suggestions on anything would be a good help. if ya have anything to post about this please do.
more for the list. new cam, lifters and rockers. gotta get the valves checked, and heads cleaned. need new headers and a proper exhaust. and finally CLEAN THAT DAM THING!
There supposedly is a way to find a battery drain using a volt-ohm meter and pulling fuses one by one until a reading changes. Unfortunately, I forget exactly what it is you are supposed to put the test leads on and at what setting.

Now, the brake light issue may be related to the battery drain issue. Check the STOP fuse to see if it is blown. If so, replace it and see if it blows again. The problem I had with my car was that the main harness bundle was too close to the brake light switch bracket, which then wore a hole in the insulation for the wire to the brake lights and shorted them out. So, I would check the harness bundle while you are under there to see if it is close to or touching that bracket. I would also unplug the brake light side of the switch and check for continuity when the pedal is depressed. If it is not present, that is your problem. If it is present, well, you don't need a brake light switch then. That is when you check the wiring for 12 volts going in to the switch by probing the wires and hoping one comes up with 12 volts. If both do, you have bigger problems than you think! If there is no power to either wire, check the fuse for 12 volts. If present, then you know the issue exists between the fuse panel and the switch. You can do this for all of the harness sections involved with the brake lights, or any circuit you need to fix, for that matter.
actually i did check the fuses and the break switch, bot are good. its the brown wire that goes down the passenger side of the frame by the rear tire. its held up with a leather shoelace and is exposed and worn. but thanx for the info! well sofar i got all the gaskets, now i just need to get new arp bolts to fasten everthing and also clean the heads.
ok well the new list sofar of what got and need, here we go:
topend gaskets(intake, heads, headers, waterpump, valve cover, timing cover)
detent/kickdown cable
timing chain and gears
1.6 roller tip rockers
arp bolts for heads, headers, intake manifold
barefoot gas pedal
windsheild wiper motor and harnis
a place to do the work
fix break light prob
find battery drainage

any one wanna help hehe!
i have an ohm meter and i think i know what yer talking about. but in order to do that i need a new battery. or at least one that works heh.
if you remove the ground from the battery and place the meter between the neg. terminal and the ground post, you can see if the battery is getting drained.
at my work they have one of those portable battery chargers, i was wondering if i just use that as a temp. battery, not to start or run the car, but just for finding and fixing the electrical probs, would that work without hurting anything?
got headers today. X that from the list
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