Submit your photos for the 2025 GBF Calendar!
Use the media gallery section, link is right here. Click the "add media" button to upload your pic(s).
(if you have trouble uploading your pic(s) to the gallery, please chime in here in this thread so I can fix it!)
You can submit as many photos as you like, but you'll only be shown once in the calendar, so spamming the gallery isn't recommended. Pick your best photos and use those. I'd like to go a different route and put as many cars as possible into the mix for this one. We'll see how this goes.
PLEASE submit FULL resolution images. Small/Low Res images do not print well.
Not sure how long I'll leave submissions open for, but round about September sometime I imagine I'll start putting it together. I'll update this thread with more information.
(by submitting your pix here, you agree that GBF can use them later for other purposes. i.e. site graphics, t-shirt designs, etc.)
Again, DO NOT Submit your pics in this thread!! This is for information only!!
Use the media gallery section, link is right here. Click the "add media" button to upload your pic(s).
2025 GBodyForum Calendar Submissions
Submit your photos for the 2025 GBF Calendar! You can submit as many photos as you like, but you'll only be shown once in the calendar, so spamming the gallery isn't recommended. Pick your best photos and use those. I'd like to go a different route and put as many cars as possible into the...

(if you have trouble uploading your pic(s) to the gallery, please chime in here in this thread so I can fix it!)
You can submit as many photos as you like, but you'll only be shown once in the calendar, so spamming the gallery isn't recommended. Pick your best photos and use those. I'd like to go a different route and put as many cars as possible into the mix for this one. We'll see how this goes.
PLEASE submit FULL resolution images. Small/Low Res images do not print well.
Not sure how long I'll leave submissions open for, but round about September sometime I imagine I'll start putting it together. I'll update this thread with more information.
(by submitting your pix here, you agree that GBF can use them later for other purposes. i.e. site graphics, t-shirt designs, etc.)
Again, DO NOT Submit your pics in this thread!! This is for information only!!