OLDS Looking For G-body Olds V8 Water Pump Bolts Info? C'mon In.


I know nothing!
Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2006
For those Oldsmobile V8 guys trying to find that ELUSIVE nugget of bolt/stud 5/16-18 x 2-5/8" bolt with a 0.65" stud (21/32") on top water pump bolt (lower passenger side) which helps hold the A/C and A.I.R. pump brackets, AMK sells one that is VERY close. The original doesn't have a hex washer head, as this one does, and the bolt side is only 2.5" (1/8" shorter) and the stud side is 0.69", (11/16") which is just a hair longer than original. Not absolutely correct, but will suffice if you really need one and can't find a GM one.


Here's the layout for the water pump/front cover bolts.

9132W_1702 (2).png

The lower bolts aren't the main event here, but (part #96 above) is a stud for the lower PS pump bracket. It's a 3/8-16 x .93" x 1.5" bolt/stud. GM p/n 404352. Discontinued.

Did find a VERY suitable replacement. Not exact length but pretty close. The shorter end goes into the block.


(part #93 above) is the regular 3/8-16 x .75" bolts, need 3. GM p/n 9439905. Still available from GM.

The GM p/n 412610, and is discontinued from GM. Not saying there isn't one, but I can't seem to find any supersessions for this number. It's (part #94 in diagram above).

The OTHER two water pump bolts with studs (part #95), are GM p/n 22506338, which is also the same p/n as the thermostat housing driver side with CD4 (electronic cruise control). It has the stud for use for one of the holes on the cruise servo bracket. It's a tad shorter than the 412610.

Not shown is the other regular bolt without a stud on it. It's a 5/16"-18 x 1.5" regular bolt. It's the lower position on the driver side. GM p/n 179822.

NO WASHERS are used on the bolts for the water pump. Weird, but true. Also, these go into blind holes holding the top part of the timing chain cover as well as pump mounting, so no sealer is necessary. I believe the CSM may call for sealer on these bolts, but I don't know why it would.

Also, what it doesn't show you is the 4 smaller 1/4"-20 x 1.25" special tri-lobular bolts, two on top, 2 on bottom. GM p/n 22510437. These may require sealer as they go into the timing chain area and are subject to oil splash. I've personally never sealed the bolts, but if you want to...

Now, there ARE some companies out there that package a front cover/water pump bolt/stud kit which contains everything for an older Olds V8. The thing it's missing though is the spacer for the PS pump, and also it has one more plain bolt than what a 307 with A/C would use. It's for a non-AC car. 307s mostly came with A/C, so you would think they'd include both to cover either. But no.

Fusick sells a kit which is pretty much in line with everyone else's. It does have the lower PS pump bracket stud in the kit, so that's a plus.


That's it for now.
I just checked one of the 5/16" stud/bolts for water pump/thermostat housing w/AC in the Inline Tube/Fusick kit. It's a tad shorter than the GM version on both ends. Hmm. The one in the Fusick kit measures 1.375" (1.5" on GM bolt) and the mounting stud is 11/16" thereabouts (~13/16" on GM bolt). Weird. Theoretically, the Fusick kit bolt would probably work better on the thermostat housing since there's a tad less bolt protruding into the water passage. I'll have to check that.
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