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  1. 84dragcutlass

    Olds guys, you may want to see this... or not

    Me: "oh ive seen everything now" Car owner with saw and bondo: "Challenge accepted hold my beer"
  2. 84dragcutlass

    What engine is this in this Craigslist Monte?

    Is the market for our cars really going up that high or is the IQ of the general population just getting lower?
  3. 84dragcutlass

    Olds guys, you may want to see this... or not

    I have no idea why anyone would ever do that to a classic olds. Much less expect 18,000 for their precious little work of art. (lets face it as ugly as most "art" is anymore its for sure art) Absolute insanity
  4. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    Yeah whatever you do never do work like this then scratch your *ss
  5. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    So this is the progress for the evening. Got most of one side smoothed down and looking good. Should be ready for a glaze coat once the other half is finished
  6. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    Okay so i got a coat of fiberglass reinforced filler on the roof last night, hopefully ill be able to get it sanded down tonight. After that i might do a light coat of filler to smooth anything out i need to and it should be ready to seal it after that.
  7. 84dragcutlass

    2 Door Malibu Tucson area $700 (not mine)

    If i could only make a trip id go pick that one up
  8. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    I still occasionally see the vans from the late 80s and into the 90s that look like the paint just blew off of them running around. All it is is primer. I heard a rumor a long time ago it was because GM made and primered a bunch of bodies at once and then let them sit in a warehouse until they...
  9. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    Well thats simple isnt it... think they put more effort into what color goes where then the right adhesive to attach the panels with...
  10. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    "This car can do anything you want, no warranty if driven in sun"
  11. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    Its actually kind of amazing how close the hardtops were to being T top in those pictures. Almost looks like a few cuts and you could slide the tops in. GM really wanted to make it easy to do. I guess i will give it a shot and see how much of an effect it has. Thinking of laying down fiberglass...
  12. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    Well kinda wishing i hadnt read that, so it seems to be that once it starts to bubble like that (for whatever reason) it continues to do it through new paint. Well i guess bare minimum we will see
  13. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    Thanks the Pontiac blue was my little way to throw some old school into this Trans am. I normally am more for older engines but i have to say this LS actually has been a pleasure to work on. Little things like the metal lined gaskets that make everything so easy to assemble have been great.
  14. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    Okay so last night i got the rest of the roof sanded down. In the middle there is a sort of resin that i leveled out some. Now i have to build it back up and finish it with some filler and then can wrap it. Had i realized what was under the paint i would have suited up i itch like crazy today
  15. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    I like the body kit on that one
  16. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    Thanks its getting to the final stages. but at least on a good note the roof should look better then ever now. Should be getting the last of the order from Rock Auto on the steering rack and belts and brake pads so im all set to finish this pig up
  17. 84dragcutlass

    Someone buy this please

    Im still sitting back just wondering why... i mean does one just sit back one day and think im gonna pimp out a PT cruiser?
  18. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    I had heard for years about people doing it, but it just seems like more work once you have to to take everything apart to even cut the hole. Then you are left with... well a big hole in your car.
  19. 84dragcutlass

    Trans Am build

    So next thing i tackled the bubbles on the roof. Which initially i thought were just paint bubbles, because its a plastic roof what else could it be right? Well body filler thats what. As i put an exacto knife into it i realized it was way too thick to be paint and up popped a layer of bondo. So...
  20. 84dragcutlass

    FREE FOOD (Bloomin' Onion) at OUTBACK Steakhouse!!!

    So if i just keep chanting bloomin Monday to my server can she just give me a bunch of them? :rofl: Havent been to outback in a long time, might have to go

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