
  1. jwood1213

    88 monte front blinker/running light issue

    I just replaced the bulbs for my blinkers because my right running light was out. I’m not sure what I did wrong, but with 2 new bulbs, I now have no blinkers or running lights. When I move the stock for the blinker, the right indicator just stays on. I just got a cluster from autometer so that’s...
  2. olds517

    Fixin' the '79 H/O

    I bought a 1979 H/O and the Gas, Oil, Temp and battery gauges don't work. When I unplug the connections for gas and temp gauge arm bounces to opposite side plug back in and it bounces back. my horn doesn't work and my blinkers did work but they stopped the hazards work I switched the hazard...

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