
  1. 3D Printed Air Deflector Caps

    3D Printed Air Deflector Caps

    3D Printed Air Deflector Caps
  2. CaliWagon83’s 3D-Printed Air Deflector Screw Caps

    CaliWagon83’s 3D-Printed Air Deflector Screw Caps

    CaliWagon83’s 3D-Printed Air Deflector Screw Caps
  3. CaliWagon83

    Wagons of Hot Rod Drag Week 2018

    Not a lot of G-Bodies, but an interesting collection of vehicles: https://www.hotrod.com/articles/wagons-drag-week-2018/
  4. 1979 Pontiac Catalog (p.10)

    1979 Pontiac Catalog (p.10)

    Facts & Figures: Wagons
  5. R

    Stock v6 Malibu wagon exhaust

    Does anyone have pictures of their factory exhaust exit and size on a Malibu wagon. Thanks
  6. CaliWagon83

    Do rear shock braces work on wagons?

    I'm looking at the rear shock braces for the coupes. I assumed they wouldn't work on the wagons, but looking at the underbody photos, I'm starting to wonder. Does anyone know if they'll fit?
  7. CaliWagon83

    Call for better parts support for wagons from vendors

    I don't want to come across as a whiner, but please indulge my brief rant/plea to the aftermarket to improve support for G-Body wagons. I know they're a much smaller market than the coupes, so from an economics/business perspective, I understand why the coupes get the lion's share of attention...

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