1980 Buick Regal originally my grandfathers - can with a 4.3 litre pontiac engine. Has a fuel line, vapor return line and evap retrun line. evap line pluged as chrcoal canister removed, vapor return line originally connected to fuel pump but Chevy pump has no return line. Leaving this line open results in gas vapor filling up my garage - pluging this line results in an expanded fule tank or when removing gas cap - a ton a vapor blows out. Cap is vented already. Having worked on many G bodies at my shop the issue is clear - however the resoltion is not. On my 65 goat it has the fuel filter with a vapor retrun on it so was considering installing this. My question to anyone out there who has one of these built with a factory Chevy motor is how did you handle this situation? In the GM shop manual for a Chevy motor equiped one - it does not show a vapor return line but only the fuel and evap line - either they ommited it or none is required. Again, having built many of these - this is the first time I have ever encountered this issue - figures its my own car. Any help would be appreciated.