Our 16yo daughter just bought her first car. It's a 1981 Malibu 4Dr, she paid $600 for it. She is the 3rd owner (the car has less than 40k miles on it. Still has the AM radio in it, and original carpet and upholstery). The husband is happy because 1. She bought it herself 2. It's not what he refers to as a "POS plastic cookie cutter car" 3. It's something he can work on when things break (he had a '79 Malibu Classic when we 1st met), and 4. When/if she gets tired of it when she gets older he and the boy (who is 12yo now) can hot rod it. The side mirrors assemblies are messed up, and I'm not sure where to go about finding new ones (that look like the old ones). We also need to do something about the headliner (which is starting to get loose in a few places). Neither of us is terribly internet savvy, and the searches I've tried don't help me much. So here I am, asking you guys. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any information.