Looking for info on swapping out my 1985 442 ,307 to a chevy 350/th350 combo
I already have the machine work and everything built for the Chevy 350 so buying an olds block is not an option
I would like to run solid motor mounts if possible
Is there a topic sticky on this swap , Im sure im not the first. I searched for some time and lead me with no 100% answers
So if anyone has the Time to explain to me . What i need to put me in the correct direction . It would be greatly appreciated..
Thanks Erik O
I already have the machine work and everything built for the Chevy 350 so buying an olds block is not an option
I would like to run solid motor mounts if possible
Is there a topic sticky on this swap , Im sure im not the first. I searched for some time and lead me with no 100% answers
So if anyone has the Time to explain to me . What i need to put me in the correct direction . It would be greatly appreciated..
Thanks Erik O