For the interior, I would suggest taking it out of the car and using a small scrub brush and some Simple Green. Then, flush the seats out with a hose and let them hang upside down to drain. You can make them dry faster if you suck out most of the water with a shop vac. It usually takes a day or two to dry, but they look great when done. My front seats were out of a car in the junkyard. Someone had used them to wipe their greasy hands on after stripping parts! I used my method and they came out like new. Just don't scrub hard plastic or vinyl this way or it will scratch pretty badly. Use the simple green again, but with a wet terrycloth rag to scrub with instead. It will take all the grease and grime off of the parts. They will still look a bit dry when you are done, but a bit of Armor All will take care of that. If you do the dash this way, dilute it a bit so you don't completely dry it out.