So this has been an on going battle since the day i bought this transmission.
It's a 700R4 post-84 30 spline count transmission, I've replaced and re-ran the transmission lines 3 times, and one still leaks.
It leaks from the Fitting on the side of the transmission, where the line feeds in.
On all three occasions of changing the lines i bent first, then threaded into the transmission FIRST, then the radiator, the lower line still leaks, very very very VERY slightly though, and it only happens when the car has been sitting, not running for awhile? and the amount it leaks is not that noticeable, but it's a transmission leak non the less and i'd feel allot better just taking care of this once and for all.
It's a 700R4 post-84 30 spline count transmission, I've replaced and re-ran the transmission lines 3 times, and one still leaks.
It leaks from the Fitting on the side of the transmission, where the line feeds in.
On all three occasions of changing the lines i bent first, then threaded into the transmission FIRST, then the radiator, the lower line still leaks, very very very VERY slightly though, and it only happens when the car has been sitting, not running for awhile? and the amount it leaks is not that noticeable, but it's a transmission leak non the less and i'd feel allot better just taking care of this once and for all.