Ok. So I've got one of the harderst parts done. The transmission is physically in. I know I have to macguyver something in for the lock in TC to work but for right now I want to deal with the physical first. I swapped in a 700r4 because 1>oh yeah it'll fit he said, and 2>it was what I had for a replacement being as I bought this car for $200 and its free ride was over (replaced old belts, hoses and alternator but after the fuel pump went I parked it for parts as it was really gutless. Needless to say I got a good 2 months driving out of it and now its a donor car for my Chevy farm.
Now I goto hook everything up, and I assumed that the TV cable mount point was there because the clip fit so perfectly in the bracketry that was there with the th350C. (why did I have a bracket like that on the TH350c?) Low and behold there is no mounting point on the carb. The donor car that the transmission came out of is/was an 86 Pontiac Parisienne w/ 305-4bbl/700r4 Combo
My issue has become, should I put the dirty looking 200 000km+ carb on my fairly new motor (it seemed to work good on the donor car) or should I fab up some sort of fix for it. has anyone else tried 'tacking' a nub on or drilling a hole in to secure it with a small screw or bolt?
The "other" carb looks very similar both being quadrajets but noticibly it has wires that go into the top whereas the rebuilt I want to use does not.
Now I goto hook everything up, and I assumed that the TV cable mount point was there because the clip fit so perfectly in the bracketry that was there with the th350C. (why did I have a bracket like that on the TH350c?) Low and behold there is no mounting point on the carb. The donor car that the transmission came out of is/was an 86 Pontiac Parisienne w/ 305-4bbl/700r4 Combo
My issue has become, should I put the dirty looking 200 000km+ carb on my fairly new motor (it seemed to work good on the donor car) or should I fab up some sort of fix for it. has anyone else tried 'tacking' a nub on or drilling a hole in to secure it with a small screw or bolt?
The "other" carb looks very similar both being quadrajets but noticibly it has wires that go into the top whereas the rebuilt I want to use does not.