I recently took everything out of my car to clean out the mold and mildew, and to find dash leaks. I bought the car almost 3 months ago and havent really had a chance to get to indepth with it. I bought the car for 650 and it was exactly what i paid for. It's a wiring nightmare. My headlights or running lights dont work and but my brake and turn signals do. I also have power to a few idiot lights. I've checked bulbs and fusible links. Nothing. Then i realized, my headlight switch has 6 prongs and there are only 4 wires going to it. Then like i said i pulled apart the entire car looking for a dash leak when i found 2 wires that didn;t seem to go anywhere. Any possible way anyone could post some diagrams or a picture of their headlight switch and the wires going to it? I've tried to google this a million times with no luck. Any help is appreciated.