More like 145k miles but well taken care of.
Emblems wouldn't be faded out on the tail lights on a 45k mile car, that's for sure.
Bottom of the doors have rot, looks like they tried to stop a leak in the T-top area... a 45k mile car wouldn't show that.
It's definitely been repainted at one point long ago, poorly too... decals are wrong and in the wrong places in some areas, gray comes up to the gold and stripes are worn off on the quarter and bumpers. Missing the rear side impact strips as well.
Dash is cracked in a few places, interior is showing some age... seats stained.
Wrong grilles
Rims are missing the outer stripe which means someone took a buffer to them, lug pockets have rust.
Newer hood pad and someone soaked the whole under hood area with Armor All
That's a $5-6k car that a typical car flippers went over to make look like a $10k car, shady m'fers.
I don't think people realize that many of the G-body's out there that claim 40-70k miles are really just well taken car of cars with 140-170k miles.
I was surprised to learn from a Carfax that my '83
Hurst Olds had 83k on it in 1991 and the OD shows 89k miles.
What that tells me is either only 6k miles were put on it in the past 20 years or it has 189k miles and has been repainted but sold as an 89k mile car.
I'll go with the latter...
As they say, buyer beware.