When you ask what the advantages of running an electronic carb, what you're really asking is what is the advantage of running the CCC system over a non-CCC setup ( CCC system means the whole computer setup ). It's a whole system, not just a carb.
The advantages of running on the CCC system are better milage, better emmissions, the carb self adjusts to atmospheric changes, it controls converter lockup better than any aftermarket unit, and IMO the biggest advantage is the fact your car was built with it so it's cool to have a non butchered up factory setup that's 'correct' for your car.
The issue for you though is the fact that your carb and ECM are calibrated for an oddball 'swirlport' headed motor. 84 and earlier they were calibrated for a 'normal' headed engine, so they work better when swapping in a bigger motor. What I would do is run it on the computer since it's already in your car and working. If you like it, great. If it sucks a$$ for you for whatever reason, then ditch the CCC system and go old school.
If you run on the computer, get exhaust manifolds from an earlier 307 if you have those $hitty little stainless ones that came on most of the 7A headed 307's.
P.S. Olds electronic carbs do not have electric chokes from the factory. No worries 'cause the stock Olds choke is just as good, but you may need a 4 barrel intake manifold to run it which you should get anyway.