i found out the dreaded news today as i was performing surgery on my 87's v6. i was there to retorque rocker arms, but when i pulled the valve cover, i noticed a pushrod had slipped off of its rocker arm. so, i went about my retorquing business anyway after correcting the problem, but, i checked the tightness of that rod when i was done, and it slipped off again. oh s***. bad lifter. is there anyway i can replace that lifter without removing the head? if i have to pull the head, i may as well pull the engine, put in a 350 and rip out the computer. i know on some engines you can pull the lifter through the intake manifold hole with a magnet on the end of a rod, but im not sure about the buick 231. does anyone know? has anyone done this before? if so, any tips?