This is just one of those odd thing you have to share when they happen. Yesterday, I was wondering what kind of bird had flown into my pool enclosure that was making so much noise. Now, it must be understood that I am missing 4 screen panels, so this happens often enough. Well, to my surprise, it was a small green parrot! It is missing most of the feathers on it's chest, and beneath it's wings, so I guess it is malnourished or sick. It is very domesticated too, and says "Hello". I fed it, and gave it water, and it seemed to be very hungry and thirsty! Now, it likes to perch on my shoulder, and it makes me feel like a I don't really know what to do though. I built it a makeshift perch of PVC 8 feet off the ground to keep it from the cats that prowl the pool enclosure, and filled 2 spray paint caps with water and birdseed. It can fly shot distances, but it's wings were clipped, which keeps it from going too far. How did this happen? I wonder if it was a pet that got out, or if it was abandoned. I can't really afford to keep it if it is sick, and besides, it's a noisy thing and will keep me up all morning.